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Get Pirates: Tides Of Fortune


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Sep 21, 2016, 16:4409/21/16


Most Common Mistakes Rookie/Newbie (which many happened to us):

NOT SAVE THE TROOPS IN HARBOR: Always before retiring save your troops in harbor him especially offensive, defensive is depends on how much you want or not defend, just like exploration.

DO NOT LEAVE TROOPS OUT OF HARBOR EXPLORATION TO AVOID EXPLORATION OF OUR HEAVEN: You always have to leave Zeppelins so that other players can not explore your heaven, if not explored generally not attacked.

I ATTACK WITH ALL THE TROOPS: who does not step will attack with all troops or defend all? After asking we explained the three types of defensive troops (with a shield Verde), Offensives (with 2 swords in red) and Scouting(with a spyglass in Blue).

SCOUTING BEFORE ATTACKING WITHOUT: go to an heaven not knowing if you have or how many troops defending troops have, not the best deal.

FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE GAME TUTORIAL: It's made so that you build, the better and investigate what you need to get started.

BELIEVE IS AN INDIVIDUAL GAME: No player against an entire brotherhood, try to find a brotherhood that makes you grow and give you councils on the game.

ATTACKING AN ACTIVE PLAYER: This is a very common to start the game error, first looking players without brotherhood, second revises its Daily Points of Assault, if this negative is very likely to be an inactive player, third scouting the Heaven before attack.

A PLAYER ATTACKING BELONGS TO SIN BROTHERHOOD BROTHERHOOD IS THAT ??? REVIEW: Before you attack someone would have to be cautious and check that Brotherhood is that this position? And if you can ask someone in your guild before attacking, if you do not you can lose your troops and receive multiple attacks on your island, and to be kicked out of the Brotherhood you are.

Or DEFENDER WITH TROOPS ATTACK THAT ARE NOT RESEARCH TO MAXIMUM LEVEL: Always attacking or defending with troops more discoveries level have in your possession.

DO NOT USE THE CARDS OR THREATENING E INSULT IN THEM: Be Diplomatic is also part of the game, when you start there is always more powerful than you players, you can not go hitting all Dialoga with your neighbors and try to reach agreements good mannered, THIS IS A GAME, so do not be angry about losing troops, much less personal and you do insult; ALL have lost all or almost all troops ever, defensive offensive, this is a game of patience and perseverance, you have time for your revenge, do not worry, when the other player has the advantage over you.

Sep 22, 2016, 14:0409/22/16
Did you use Google Translator, GDMATAS?
Sep 22, 2016, 17:2809/22/16
Sep 22, 2016, 17:31(edited)

Astaroth said:

Did you use Google Translator, GDMATAS?

Astaroth, yes, I've used in some parts. If they see something wrong or not entirely correct let me know and I will correct it.
Like if you believe there should be a point more on errors.

The original publication was in Spanish, I'm Forum moderator, I was asked to translate it to English language.

Sep 23, 2016, 13:3409/23/16
Sep 23, 2016, 13:35(edited)
You did well GDMATAS , im english, even though i can't type half the time lol and i read it... thank you for sharing with us
Sep 23, 2016, 13:4509/23/16

Blasphemy said:

You did well GDMATAS , im english, even though i can't type half the time lol and i read it... thank you for sharing with us

Blasphemy, thanks.

Sep 25, 2016, 19:3509/25/16
never send all troops to battle
Sep 27, 2016, 12:4209/27/16
Mistakes happens, better learn from them, thanx for tutorial.
Sep 29, 2016, 11:3209/29/16
Sep 29, 2016, 11:34(edited)

If the purpose of the post is to help rookie/newbie then in-game words should be used -_-

This game is called pirates : Tides of fortune

It's not a's a harbor

It's not an's a haven

It's not an exploration's scouting

It's better to come up with an original posts...this copy/past thing with so many mistakes doesn't help make them even confused.

i couldn't understand most of this post so i believe it should be reviewed by someone.

Proper english is in order -_-

Sep 29, 2016, 21:5309/29/16

Oct 3, 2016, 17:3310/03/16

ligolaspoland said:

If the purpose of the post is to help rookie/newbie then in-game words should be used -_-

This game is called pirates : Tides of fortune

It's not a's a harbor

It's not an's a haven

It's not an exploration's scouting

It's better to come up with an original posts...this copy/past thing with so many mistakes doesn't help make them even confused.

i couldn't understand most of this post so i believe it should be reviewed by someone.

Proper english is in order -_-

ligolaspoland: I followed your advice and change the words, check to see if I need something more.
You review is foundations, to me helps me.

Greetings and thanks

Oct 9, 2016, 22:5510/09/16
this was very helpful
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Oct 10, 2016, 09:2310/10/16
Moved to Game Tutorials.
Oct 24, 2016, 17:2810/24/16
Oct 24, 2016, 17:30(edited)

Here is my Uppdate:

Most Common Mistakes Many Of Us Have Make As Newbies:

NOT SAVING THE TROOPS IN HARBOR: Always before retiring, save your troops in the harbor specifically offensive ones, for defensive troops is depends on is you want or not defend, the goes same for scout airships.

NOT LEAVING SCOUT TROOPS TO AVOID EXPLORATION OF OUR HAVEN: You always have to leave Zeppelins so that other players can not explore your haven, if not explored generally not attacked.

ATTACKING WITH ALL TROOPS: Who did not step in an attack or defense with all available troops?
After asking we explained the three types of troops:  Defensive (with a Green shield), Offensive (with 2 swords in Red) and Scouts (with a spyglass in Blue).

NOT SCOUTING BEFORE ATTACKING: Entering an heaven not knowing how many troops are defending if any, not the best deal.

FAILING TO FOLLOW THE GAME TUTORIAL: It's made to help you build better and teach what you need to get started.

BELIEVING THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL GAME: No player can survive against an entire brotherhood, try to find a brotherhood that makes you grow and gives good counsel.

ATTACKING AN ACTIVE PLAYER: This is a very common error for beginners, first look for players without brotherhood, second check his Daily Points of Assault, if it is negative he's very likely to be an inactive player, third scout the Haven before attack.

ATTACKING A PLAYER THAT BELONGS TO YOUR BROTHERHOOD: Before you attack someone, be cautious and check his Brotherhood and his position? And ask someone in your guild before attacking, if not you may lose your troops and receive multiple attacks on your island, and be kicked out of your Brotherhood.

DEFENDING OR ATTACKING  WITH TROOPS THAT ARE NOT UPGRADED: Try to always upgrade troops to the highest level in your possession.

THREATENING AND INSULTING PLAYERS: Being Diplomatic is also a part of the game, when you start there are always players more powerful than you, you can not go battering or discussing with all your neighbors - Try to reach agreements  in good manner.

 THIS IS A GAME, so do not be angry about losing troops, much less take it personal getting insulted; Everybody have at some point lost all or almost all troops. Defensive offensive, this is a game of patience and perseverance, you have time for your revenge, do not worry, when other players have advantage over you.

So, Now I have finished trying to correct all errors in spelling etc,

 -It took a lot of work and You are welcome to improve on it :D

Hope it will be useful. Regards.

Oct 31, 2016, 07:2610/31/16
I have run out of room to build. I invested in some ruby's bought  to many cannons. am I able to delete any of them   
Oct 31, 2016, 13:5010/31/16

malcolmwilliams467 said:

I have run out of room to build. I invested in some ruby's bought  to many cannons. am I able to delete any of them   

yes you are able to delete them , bur you are also able to expand your haven

click on construction icon on the right side of your screen -there you have expansion tab
Nov 25, 2016, 12:3011/25/16
Hi all.. new to the game... can a player delete a building due to there being not enough room for newer and different types of buildings ? appreciate all replies. :)
Nov 25, 2016, 17:2511/25/16

Greetings Captain Shinypick

see Nightwolfs message above 

You can expand your haven for free 3 times by inviting players to your hearties list and accepting invitations to join theirs 

You can also move and rotate your buildings to fit with in your haven Look to the bottom right side of your screen and click on the blue arrow 

You can now select a building to be moved or rotated to fit 

I hope this helps you out 


Nov 25, 2016, 19:2711/25/16
Many thanks Captain Kidd :)
Feb 19, 2017, 10:2502/19/17

the question of the moderator, can this option be introduced copy-paste in a chat game, a lot would help ..

Feb 19, 2017, 11:0502/19/17

nikolica said:

the question of the moderator, can this option be introduced copy-paste in a chat game, a lot would help ..

That option was introduced a few months ago.

When you go over someone's message in the chat, it gets a slightly darker background and a copy icon on the right:

When you click anywhere on that line (except the player's name), the copy icon animates a bit:

That means that this message was saved and you can paste it (Ctrl+V) wherever you want.

Selecting and copying a part of a message, in chat or parrots, is not supported, and I don't think it will be any time soon.

Mar 9, 2017, 06:4303/09/17
Great info!    Appreciate the help!