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Treasure Tutorial

Treasure Tutorial

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Apr 28, 2016, 14:3504/28/16

Treasure Tutorial

Treasure Tutorial:

1. Use Lighthouse, Then click on the Treasure Island tab, to locate them

2. Click the Capture Button to Capture it if it is not claimed.

Select OFFENSE to take it and DEFENSE to defend it.

(Some advice) How much you collect is based on your defense you have sitting there

3. Now if the treasure is owned by another player, there will be an attack and a capture option

(pictured below). Attack lets you send offense only to just attack it but not keep it.

Capture you send both offense and defense so that you can keep it.

4.Once captured, your OFFENSE will AUTOMATICALLY return to your HARBOR while the DEFENSE stays behind to collect resources........

If the TREASURE you sent to raid becomes EMPTY then your units will return on their own and be in your HARBOR

5. To access your captured Treasures, go to your Pirate Stronghold Click on TERRITORIES and then TREASURE ISLAND

6. Use the Claim button to claim resources when ready.

*NOTE* When you claim, your defense will return to your Harbour

If your max capacity of your units is reached,

they will also come back automatically with the resources.

The TREASURES are then free for the taking again by anyone

7. Also note that you will not get a notice until your troops

come back from the treasure. then you will receive the amount you have captured


Apr 28, 2016, 14:5704/28/16

* Advice from me *

Don't risk your largest units on them. 

Even if you get all of the resources from a Treasure...

that cost value is not worthy of the units you lose

If you use your entire defense on them and they get killed....

Pirate Units would be the best choice to use, even if you use thousands holding it,

they are easier to build back up....

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 23, 2016, 11:1205/23/16

nouval.mncgroup said:

beside a rewards, can we get ruby without pay

You can get them in Tournaments, for completing Quests and Achievements, for placing in TOP rankings, capturing Buried Rubies (Treasure Islands), Daily Crew Roster.

Nov 23, 2019, 01:5711/23/19

I run into this error quite frequently when planning to raid treasure islands. I select both an offensive and defensive unit and am then told by the game client to choose both offensive and defensive units. I have to quit the game and re-launch it to get rid of the error.

I contacted support and was told:

"I have investigated the reported situation. The results show that the case in question was not the result of any malfunction. This feature works as intended.

Quite literally, this matter is part of a gameplay. I understand that the game is complex and it may be a daunting task to try to figure out how things work on your own. Our community an excellent platform to discuss all the game-related question, share experience, get game tips. Interacting with fellow players and moderators you will get your questions answered."

So, can anyone please suggest why I am told I have to select both offensive and defensive units when it appears that I have clearly done so?


Snidely Whiplash

Nov 23, 2019, 09:1711/23/19

SnidelyWhiplash, please open a new topic under "Bug Reports". Include your explanation and the above screenshot.

Also provide either your ID string (you can get it by clicking on it in the bottom left of the Help window) or specify which platform (Plarium (app included) or FB), server (The Pirate Bay/The Golden Coast/Sirens' Strait), and coordinates you're playing at.

If you have a steps to reproduce it at will, please include those too, as it would be very helpful to find out what's going on.

Nov 23, 2019, 17:1711/23/19

SnidelyWhiplash. I tried and got the same results you did. Try choosing your defense first, then choose offense. it worked for me.