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Gifting Premium Battle Passes and Level Finishers. Dev NotesGifting Premium Battle Passes and Level Finishers. Dev Notes

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Gifting Premium Battle Passes and Level Finishers. Dev Notes

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AlinaCommunity Manager
Feb 4, 2021, 15:2202/04/21

Gifting Premium Battle Passes and Level Finishers. Dev Notes


You, your Friends, and your fellow Brotherhood Members now have a new way to help each other out: gifting Premium Battle Passes and Level finishers!

To protect our users, we’ve put some restrictions in place.

Gifting Premium Battle Passes

You can buy and send other players Premium Battle Passes to help them succeed. Players you gift a Pass to will be able to use it for free and receive all the Bonuses it offers. 

To be able to gift a Premium Battle Pass, you must:

- Be Friends with, OR be in the same Brotherhood as, the player you want to send the gift to

- Have been a fully-fledged Brotherhood Member for at least a month

- Be at least Level 60

- Send it to a player who can participate in Battle Pass, which is unlocked at Level 15

- Send it to a player who does not already have an active Premium Battle Pass

You can send up to 10 Premium Battle Pass gifts a Season, which lasts for one month.

Gifting Level Finishers

You can send each Brotherhood Member or Friend two Level Finisher gift packs every Battle Pass season. A gift pack can contain 10 or 30 Level Finishers. The number of Level Finishers a player can receive is not limited.

To be able to gift Level Finishers, you and the player you’re giving to must:

- Be Friends OR be in the same Brotherhood 

- Be able to participate in the Battle Pass, which is unlocked at Level 15

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments.

Good luck!

Feb 4, 2021, 18:0002/04/21

Players must be allowed to send rubies to each other.

Feb 4, 2021, 18:0202/04/21

It is very bad that there is no Turkish language option. This shows how little you value people's language, religion and race.

AlinaCommunity Manager
Feb 5, 2021, 10:4502/05/21
Okan Aslan

Players must be allowed to send rubies to each other.

Hello, Okan! Thanks for your feedback! This suggestion seems like a nice one at first sight, but it would open door to some serious cheating. I'm afraid we don't plan to implement it. 

It is very bad that there is no Turkish language option. This shows how little you value people's language, religion and race.

Captain, this is a very serious accusation. We don't discriminate on language, race, religion, gender, etc. The only reason why there is no Turkish language in the game is that we don't have so many Turkish-speaking players to translate the game into Turkish. I hope now you better understand the reason. Enjoy your day! 

Feb 5, 2021, 18:4902/05/21

Вася, I hope you don't mind that I am not Alina. 😉

First, go to your Battle Pass window, click on the tab "Passes" (the red arrow in my image), and click the gift box next to the pass/finisher that you want to send (marked in red boxes in my image):


Second, click on the "select player" button:


Third, pick a player (you can use "Search", marked green in my image):


Fourth, type your message and click purchase:


All that is now left is paying for it and enjoying the eternal gratitude of those you've gifted. 😎

Nov 9, 2021, 18:2111/09/21

Hello , I wonder how you can send us advertising like this , namely an enhanced offer to buy a battle pass (when I already have an active one ), but if I decide to offer to another player ,neither I nor the person to whom I offer it will benefit from it ,I have just sent it and I see with my eyes that the 3k of rubies and the 4k of strong waters, neither one of us benefits from it 


Nov 9, 2021, 20:4911/09/21
Nov 9, 2021, 20:49(edited)

Are you saying that you bought that package on the same account that had active Premium Battle Pass and you didn't get the extra goodies promised here?

Aug 8, 2022, 06:4908/08/22

bonjour je n'est plus acces au jeux depuis la mise a jour le jeux et meme plarium play souvre plus 

Aug 8, 2022, 13:0108/08/22
coumailleau mickael

bonjour je n'est plus acces au jeux depuis la mise a jour le jeux et meme plarium play souvre plus 

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