That depends a lot on how you play. A few examples...
If you pardon a lot, get the price of pardons seriously reduced (by 50%).
If you often hold treasure islands, you might go for an extra slot there.
If you often get minor attacks against your haven, extra speed for haven guards recovery can be useful (especially if you're maxed on their numbers in your haven).
Extra experience might also come in handy for exp. tournament and, if that excites you, faster progression towards higher levels.
Discovery speed is likely a good choice for anyone, especially if you have or planning to have a large army (each discovery strengthens your units just a bit, but even 2% is a lot if applied to many units). Also, faster discoveries, if planned well, can mean a bit more points for Upgrade and Progress Push tournaments.
Personally, I think that units build speed (for those units you train a lot of) is a wise choice, but I raid a lot and I have 7 training queues, all over 2 years long. If you don't train much, it might not be your thing.
Lastly, I think that units travel speed is mostly useless. However, some investment in those can be useful.
I did the required minimum on Flying Dutchmen and many other units. Then, for Armada, Sappers, Marines, and Luggers you're not forced to do it, but I did it to match the speedup of their lower ranked counterparts. That means 8 or 10 pearls to reach the 3% speedup forced on us for Bonnies and likes, so my Juggs (10 pearls) and Luggers (8 pearls) travel at the same speed as Bonnies (lest you send a raid and a block and then block hits before the raid), my SotLs are synced with Marines and - more importantly - Flying Dutchmen, allowing me to send scout, raid, scout, and have them hit in that order, without any extra calculation and waiting.
I've maxed the speedup for Schooners, because they are the fastest unit that can be pearled up, and has none to match speed-wise. But, I did that when I no longer had anything else that felt like a good use of pearls.
Lastly, try to time your use of pearls so that the longer ones finish soon after the next Upgrade or Progress Push tournament starts and whatever you currently have finishes shortly before (not after) the current of those tournaments ends. It takes some planning and discipline, but it's worth getting a few goodies (rewards) for the extra points awarded for these actions that you'd do anyway.
One thing I've never been clear on. Does increasing unit speed with pearls improve your combat stats?
No ..
Combat stats are the result of actual combat.. anything that increases unit strength will influence combat stats .. increasing speed has no effect other than maybe get to the battle faster 🙂
No ..
Combat stats are the result of actual combat.. anything that increases unit strength will influence combat stats .. increasing speed has no effect other than maybe get to the battle faster 🙂
Thanks. It's what I thought although it seems counter-intuitive. A faster ship is a deadlier ship..........
Thanks. It's what I thought although it seems counter-intuitive. A faster ship is a deadlier ship..........
Yes and no.. faster units in themselves do not add to the damage they do .. however increasing speed of some units can give more options for strategy..
e.g. the purpose of raids is to obtain resources - the faster the units, the quicker they get the job done - also it allows you to raid further away as it takes less time.
Of course - if sending a force for pvp points you can always slow them down (give the defender time to add cannon-fodder to their haven) by adding a slower unit to the offense party - the whole force moves at the speed of the slowest unit.
As you mentioned "primarily", this is my suggestion, to any solo player of whatever BH (big/small) or even to BH less ~
1. At first max the training speed of one of each offensive & defensive type pirates of your choice. (as they will be your initial crew and you probably would like to stack them faster)
2. Then start going down by the main branch(avoid all side branches, don't max anything) till you get to Frigate speed, take it to level 10 to unlock some special sectors.
3. Within those special sectors, max rum consumption at first (since you'll have a lot of pirates to feed by then), and next if you want to level up faster may max combat experience, if you are in a BH with presidios may max pardoning cost.
4. The "ifs" I mentioned (combat experience & pardoning cost), you can avoid if it's not within your plan. Next you can go on your own by the crew of your choice(enough for primary stage)
tip: maxing training speeds are better than maxing movement speeds.
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