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AlinaCommunity Manager
Jun 22, 2020, 12:5606/22/20

New Brotherhood Settings Option

New Brotherhood Settings Option

Rally for the Fight in Brotherhood Brawls!

Ahoy Captain,

Brotherhood Leaders have been granted greater control of their Brotherhood's Rewards. Now, it is possible to customize the minimum Tournament Point contribution required from each Brotherhood Member to claim Rewards for completing Stages in Brotherbood Brawls.

To make these changes, the Brotherhood Leader must go to the "Me Brotherhood" tab of the Brotherhoods window, open the Settings, go to the "Tournaments" tab, and set the minimum Points.

Note: Any changes to a Brotherhood's minimum Tournament Point contribution requirement must be set before the Tournament starts for it to take effect.

Piratically yers,

Captain Anne "Bonnie" O'Malley

Jun 22, 2020, 22:4906/22/20
Why is the minimum Tournament Point Contribution now 2,000 when it was previously 1,000 prior to this change?
Jun 23, 2020, 09:1206/23/20

The 1k limit was introductory, when the Brawls were a new thing, to get us engaged. Mission accomplished (apparently, the players are quite active in Brawls), so we're now at 2k requirement as it is in other games that have had Brawls since before we go them.

Jun 24, 2020, 02:1206/24/20
This new "cotrol" is neither required nor helpful. I bet no BH leader will ever use it.

Crowbar said:

The 1k limit was introductory, when the Brawls were a new thing, to get us engaged. Mission accomplished (apparently, the players are quite active in Brawls), so we're now at 2k requirement as it is in other games that have had Brawls since before we go them.

This response has so much wrong with it ..... I'm speechless 
AlinaCommunity Manager
Jun 24, 2020, 09:3506/24/20
kah said:

This new "cotrol" is neither required nor helpful. I bet no BH leader will ever use it.

Crowbar said:

The 1k limit was introductory, when the Brawls were a new thing, to get us engaged. Mission accomplished (apparently, the players are quite active in Brawls), so we're now at 2k requirement as it is in other games that have had Brawls since before we go them.

This response has so much wrong with it ..... I'm speechless 
Hello, kah! I understand your frustration, but that's true. Pirates got really active in the Brawls and that's the reason why we had to increase the requirements. No worries, I'm sure Pirates will manage it  Regarding the new BH settings option, it was a popular request among our players, that's why we've decided to implement it. I'm sorry if you don't like it, however, feel free to set the same amount of points for each Brawl if you don't want to change it at all. It's totally up to you! Cheers!
Jun 24, 2020, 23:5906/24/20
Jun 25, 2020, 00:00(edited)
What happens if the Brotherhood Leader does not set the Brawl points at all i.e., never?
Jun 25, 2020, 10:0306/25/20

It'll be 2k by default.

Jun 26, 2020, 21:1006/26/20

Yup. Noticed and asked already, but I don't expect a response before Tue (a holiday in Ukraine).

I'm all for that. Actually, I'd prefer if leaders could set it to zero points or to just one point. Help out their members if they want to. I made that suggestion, but I don't think it'll be accepted.

Jun 27, 2020, 03:5806/27/20
I just passed 1k & claimed rewards - passed 2k just in case so happy wrestling with this mess 
Jun 27, 2020, 05:5906/27/20
curious to know how many players asked for this change. i know it's never been a topic of discussion in the brotherhoods i've been a part of. seems to me that by increasing minimums makes it more difficult and discouraging for new players to compete. 
Jun 27, 2020, 11:0406/27/20

parius2173 said:

curious to know how many players asked for this change. i know it's never been a topic of discussion in the brotherhoods i've been a part of. seems to me that by increasing minimums makes it more difficult and discouraging for new players to compete. 

Honestly, I don't know, nor do I have a way to find out. I would guess that some did request it because implementing it is a waste of time if everyone leaves the lowest setting (ignore the 1k->2k change if it happens; normally, Plarium would've done it without even telling us, as they did with other tournaments, i.e., adding this setting is not needed as an "excuse" to raise the limit).

The "benefit", I imagine, is that the leaders of more active BHs can deny freebies to those members that barely participate, who they might see as "freeloaders". My BH has a requirement for minimal participation, but it's fairly soft ("everyone should get xx points", but without any consequences for not reaching that). The leader hasn't changed the minimal requirement, but - in case he decides to be more harsh - he might.

If a BH wins a million or several million points, then "discouraging" those who don't achieve, say, 5k is not a big loss for the BH, especially if it gets majority to try a bit harder to do better (say, to get 5k instead of 2k).

This is all just my speculation. I have no data to back it up and I could be wrong, of course.

Jun 30, 2020, 10:1006/30/20

down said:

1k limit?

I just heard from Plarium: 2k starts from the next Brawl. I guess they gave us a bit of time to prepare for the change, which is nice.

Apologies for the confusion.