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Apr 30, 2020, 15:0104/30/20

Game Improvements

Game Improvements 

You asked - We listened!

Ahoy Captain,

We always strive to meet your expectations, and so we have made some improvements based on your requests:

- Button added to all platforms for reporting game lag or other performance issues

- "Get 10 Friends to start playing the game" Monthly Contract tweaked so the number of Friends required is now 3 instead of 10

- Fixed the Map so that clicking on your own Haven after viewing another player's Haven will actually take you there

- Fixed display of Prizes in the Lighthouse when going there directly from the Events window

- Fixed the text in the "Manner o' Unit" section of the Unit information window

- Fixed a bug causing the Prestige Status window to open when attempting to open the Master at Arms Counselor window

- Fixed blurry numbers in the Rum Consumption and Net Production summary popup

- Fixed message display in the chat so that long names or Prestige Status tags do not cause the text to be cropped

Do feel free to share your suggestions. My advisors will surely consider it. 

Piratically yers,

Captain Anne "Bonnie" O'Malley

May 1, 2020, 22:2905/01/20

These sound good, especially dropping the Add Friends from 10 to 3.  For most people 3 is still a lot of people to add each month.  I think 1, maybe 2, is a more reasonable number.

Now for a complaint or suggestion.  Seems like when 'things are fixed', something else gets broken.  Previously, in the Master at Arms reports, you were able to 'mouse over' or 'hover' over units and the name of the unit was displayed.  Now it isn't.  Now you need to click on the unit.  You also get 'stats' for the unit, but you would get that anyway.  Please restore showing the name of the units/troops while hovering over them.
May 2, 2020, 10:5305/02/20

dad_e_oh said:

These sound good, especially dropping the Add Friends from 10 to 3. For most people 3 is still a lot of people to add each month. I think 1, maybe 2, is a more reasonable number.

A personal opinion (so, please, ignore my mod status for this one): I suspect that most people would open alts, get them to whatever level is required and possibly forget about them. For Plarium, it pumps up the stats.

Like you, I don't see how would anyone would be able to bring in 3 new (genuine) people every month, especially for a game this old (one would've already brought in most of their friends if they wanted to). Even just 1 would become 12 in a year.

This benefits almost exclusively those playing with a bunch of alts. IMO, of course.

Personally, I thought about it a bit, but I'm too lazy to do it for a couple of Dreads.

dad_e_oh said:

Now for a complaint or suggestion. Seems like when 'things are fixed', something else gets broken. Previously, in the Master at Arms reports, you were able to 'mouse over' or 'hover' over units and the name of the unit was displayed. Now it isn't. Now you need to click on the unit. You also get 'stats' for the unit, but you would get that anyway. Please restore showing the name of the units/troops while hovering over them.

Confirmed. Thank you, I'll report it.

May 8, 2020, 10:3305/08/20
There is an issue when you do anything in the game and come back to the haven, the screen moves all over the place, you can't click on anything in your haven. YOu have to refresh, then when you come back to your haven, and do anything else, raid, prizes, etc... and come back to the haven, moving your mouse moves the screen all over the place and you can't click on anything until you refresh the game. Refreshing the game, I came back went to discoveries, came back to my haven and once again the screen moved all over the place, couldn't click on anything until I refreshed the game again. This happens quite frequently and it's very annoying. I've had to refresh my game about 5 or 6 times tonight after doing anything in the game. Moving the mouse moves the screen. so it's a never ending situation. This doesn't happen all the time but tonight it was for the last 3 or  4 hours. So I finally just logged off. Can't play with this going on, it's too annoying.
May 8, 2020, 16:5905/08/20

I cannot reproduce it and it feels like a Flash client issue. Is yours up to date?

Which browser/app are you playing on?

Please, either provide your ID string (you can get it by clicking on it in the bottom left of the Help window) or specify which platform (Plarium (app included) or FB), server (The Pirate Bay/The Golden Coast/Sirens' Strait), and coordinates you're playing at.

Also, can you please try playing in a different browser or app and let me know if it happens there as well?

May 27, 2020, 15:5705/27/20


In the alchemist Lab can you put an option of opening multiple flasks of a single potion is an option rather than having to do it one at a time or opening all to their max.  You have this type of option in the resource area, why not in the lab?

thanks you,

May 27, 2020, 20:1505/27/20

plzimmerman said:

In the alchemist Lab can you put an option of opening multiple flasks of a single potion is an option rather than having to do it one at a time or opening all to their max.  You have this type of option in the resource area, why not in the lab?


As you are opening barrels, but mixing flasks, I'm not sure what you mean: open some (but not all) barrels or mix some (but not all) flasks?

Also, can you explain what would be the purpose of doing that for some, but not all items?

Jan 24, 2021, 01:5701/24/21

Hello Crowbar,

I hope all is well with you and your family during these tragic times....

I am still having problems with my spoils for they are not budging a bit. I tested it a few times but they did not go up. I should be finished with all of them by now and I think I deserve to get my medals for them. You have always been great help to me and I know you will help me now :)

Take care and be safe....



Jan 27, 2021, 22:5301/27/21

Bella, sorry, I've missed this when you wrote it.

Plarium now handles bugs via tickets again, so you'll need to report this here.

Frankly, I gave up on spoils a long time ago. I reported it a few times, but they couldn't reproduce the issue and thus they never tackled them. If you do report it, I wish you the best of luck.

Jan 28, 2021, 23:5401/28/21
Jean Lafitte
There is an issue when you do anything in the game and come back to the haven, the screen moves all over the place, you can't click on anything in your haven. YOu have to refresh, then when you come back to your haven, and do anything else, raid, prizes, etc... and come back to the haven, moving your mouse moves the screen all over the place and you can't click on anything until you refresh the game. Refreshing the game, I came back went to discoveries, came back to my haven and once again the screen moved all over the place, couldn't click on anything until I refreshed the game again. This happens quite frequently and it's very annoying. I've had to refresh my game about 5 or 6 times tonight after doing anything in the game. Moving the mouse moves the screen. so it's a never ending situation. This doesn't happen all the time but tonight it was for the last 3 or  4 hours. So I finally just logged off. Can't play with this going on, it's too annoying.

I've found this issue myself but it does not relate to the game or flash. In most cases it is from a hidden setting on a traditional mouse, case in point my mouse is a wireless logitec k330 with a hidden button under the scroll wheel. There are times windows detects the suttle push on the scroll wheel and interprets it as a command to launch auto scroll function. If the mouse you are using is wireless try replacing the batteries as I have had to do to aid in correcting the actions.