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Game Improvements

Game Improvements

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AlinaCommunity Manager
Mar 31, 2020, 11:1503/31/20

Game Improvements

Game Improvements 

You asked - We listened!

Ahoy Captain,

We always strive to meet your expectations, and so we have made some improvements based on your requests:

- Information added to Brotherhood Brawl completion letters that displays the number of Points you contributed during the Tournament

- Buttons added to the Territories tab of the Pirate Stronghold window that jump to the first and last pages

- Fixed a bug that changes the Haven zoom when reloading the game

- Fixed the display of Total Power Points in the My Brotherhood tab of the Brethren Court so it doesn't overlap with the Settings button

- Fixed the search function in the Brotherhood Ranking subtab of the Brethren Court window

- Fixed a bug affecting Pyracy News about Tactical Attacks

- Fixed a rare bug that would cause the wrong number of Units to be restored at the Infirmary

Do feel free to share your suggestions. My advisors will surely consider it. 

Piratically yers,

Captain Anne "Bonnie" O'Malley

May 24, 2020, 23:5805/24/20

We had a great brawl this week.

My brotherhoods main difficulty has been

 getting the "inactive" players involved.

Perhaps it would help if you added to the rewards

page a total of all the rewards I received

during the event,

that way I could let my less active player just what

their missing. 

May 25, 2020, 13:4005/25/20

That is available as the "All rewards" button (or something like it; I don't have an active Brawl at the moment) that appears when the Brawl ends.

Or did I misunderstand your suggestion?