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Implemented suggestions

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Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 13, 2016, 13:4705/13/16

Implemented suggestions

Captains, welcome to the thread where we list the improvements suggested by our valued community that were introduced to the game.

Please read this thread before posting your own suggestion.

1. Treasure Islands. Many players asked to remove the 1-hour limit on collecting Resources from Targets. Besides, players were unable to collect Resources since high-level players were controlling all the Targets; sometimes an entire Brotherhood would be defending one Target.

The developers redesigned the concept altogether: they removed the 1-hour limit, divided players into several groups according to their level, and removed the possibility to reinforce Treasure Islands.

2. New building levels. A lot of players were saying that their Carpenters had nothing to do in the Haven.

The developers introduced new building levels. They decided not to overload the Haven with new buildings but to give players an opportunity to receive more bonuses from the existing ones.

3. Brotherhood Bastion.  We have received multiple messages saying that Presidios are always captured and held by Top Brotherhoods while small Brotherhoods do not have an opportunity to develop and keep their members from moving to stronger Brotherhoods.

The developers designed Brotherhood Bastions that are available to each Brotherhood in the Seven Seas. It is free to build and allows for smaller Brotherhoods to have as much fun, as the bigger ones have with Presidios. Additionally, the Brotherhood Bastion provides players with nice bonuses.

4. The possibility to apply several Resource packs at once.  Currently, our developers are considering the idea of making it possible to apply all Potions with one click.

5. The possibility to see bonuses from new building levels in the information window. When we released new levels of certain buildings, players were asking about the bonuses that each new level would provide.

We have added this information to all buildings that have new levels.

6. An increased amount of King's Pardons that can be gained at an Emitter. From now on, players get triple the amount of King's Pardons on all Presidios to speed up the process of pardoning Units.

7. Improvements in the PvE Tournament mechanics. Now you receive points for King Ferdinand’s Units you have extinguished, not for the Prize you have destroyed. Many high-level players have asked for this improvement because high-level Prizes require too many Units and can be completed only in a few days or even weeks.

8. Add a boost to travel time to Treasure Islands to Prestige bonuses.

9. More Tournaments. Now players can take part in up to 7 Tournaments on their list, whereas previously they could only participate in 3 . Many players did not receive points because they had 3 uncompleted Tournaments. You asked to fix this issue, and we did.

10. Remove the option to filter by distance in the Lighthouse. Our players have noticed that the travel time to Prizes has been reduced, but the useless option still remained. We have removed it.

11. Add a Daily Crew Roster timer. It will show the time left to receiving the next reward for daily login to the game.

12. Add the possibility to apply all the rewards for Brotherhood Missions, Prestige status Items, and several boosts at the same time with just one click.

13. Mixing Potions. We made a major change to how you mix Potions. From now on, instead of having to mix each pair of Potions one by one, you can mix all similar pairs of Potions in a single action. To do this, simply go to the Alchemist’s Shop, find the “Laboratory” tab, and select Potions to mix. If you have multiple Potions of the same type, you will be prompted to mix either two or all of them.

14. From now on, you can copy the messages sent and received directly from the in-game Chat.

15. If you have been using Chat in the game, but have not performed any other in-game actions for more than 5 minutes, the game will no longer time-out.

16. From now on, Reports on attacks you launched against Prizes will include not just information on how many rival Units you destroyed, but also how many rival Units in total were at the Prize to begin with.

17. We have improved the notification system and added new notification settings.

18. Track your units. We’ve released an update to the Garrisons tracking interface to help you keep better track of your Units. Now you can view exactly how many Offensive and Defensive Units you have at locations throughout the Seven Seas by going to the “Garrisons” tab.

19. From now on, you will be able to view exactly how many Units each of your Brethren has committed to defend the Presidios held by your Brotherhood. In order to see a full breakdown of your Brotherhood’s Presidio Reinforcements, simply select the Presidio you wish to view and open the "Garrison" tab. Please note that this feature is only available to Members ranked Scout or above.

20. From now on, whenever ye be successful at a Prize o’ the maximum Level available to ye, the next Prize ye will detect be guaranteed to be of a higher Level.

21. From now on, you no longer have to log into the game each day in order to get your next Loyalty Reward! Reward won't reset meaning you won’t have to start all over again!

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