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Important notice on your game ideasImportant notice on your game ideas

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Important notice on your game ideas

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Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 13, 2016, 13:4605/13/16

Important notice on your game ideas

Dear Captains,

Thank you for all the suggestions which you’ve left. We have a long list of them that was passed to the dev team. Our game designers will need some time to consider all your ideas. That’s why we cannot accept any new suggestions for now.

Once again, we are very grateful for your input; it’s much appreciated.

Thank you all for your understanding and enjoy the game!

May 13, 2016, 20:2105/13/16
Sep 23, 2016, 13:42(edited)

Hello all. I have two suggestions.

1) When you click on "Events" and then on "Brotherhood Adventures" and then on the tab "Activity" by default the players are listed accordingly their Infamy. I do think more useful and fair and suggest to list them by default accordingly the points.

2) In the Bastion, tab "Garrisons" the Dread Fleet units don't have the bottom line in the icon that shows if they are supported by other units. You can see this line in the Pirate Stronghold window. It is useful and I think needed. I suggest to include in also in the Bastion.

A question regarding the second suggestion: In the bastion. Do the troops of a player interact with the Dread Fleet units of other player?


1) How many players support this idea?

2) Declined. It was designed on purpose that you can't see the bonuses of Dread Units in the Bastion. 

And no, Player A's Dread Fleet won't interact with Units of player B, only with Units of player A.

May 18, 2016, 12:4805/18/16
May 24, 2016, 02:57(edited)

A lot of BH's will send a Pirate or two between members to watch for incoming attacks.  It would be nice if we go to the Brethren Court and Members if we could send reinforcements from that list, just a reinforce button in the Action column would be great.

Accepted. This option will be added in future updates.

Afterthought -  An add to friends/ remove from friends option in that column would be greatly helpful as well. 
May 18, 2016, 13:0105/18/16
May 19, 2016, 09:39(edited)

Add a tab in Brethern Court labeled as BH reports, in which you will see all reports performed on your BH, either they send a raid or was raided. They get blocked or they block some one.

Add filters on the first line by which we can filter reports

Show reports of incoming raid only

Show reports of outgoing raids

Show Reports of Blockade etc.

Declined. Our developers have declined this suggestion, because not all of our players would like to share their reports. We have fixed a bug when you could see them, and we are not planning to add this option intentionally.

May 18, 2016, 19:5505/18/16
osaiber said:

1) How many players support this idea?

I really don't know. At least one. Thank-you for the replies.
May 19, 2016, 15:4105/19/16
May 20, 2016, 09:40(edited)


( no cooky cutter bs ) 

It's possible that we will add more Skins in the future, but I don't have any specific information on that.
May 19, 2016, 15:5205/19/16
May 20, 2016, 09:39(edited)


we can click on the King pardons privileges 

can an amount be added of allowance they can take each hit from king carlos?

this would help out in so many ways, on the advisors and leaders trying to keep control what is allowed and what isnt

please allow us to give our member this privlage what they deserve to be able to take and not have to worry of taking to much

thank you

It was already passed to our developers. However, I don't have any updates on it yet.
May 21, 2016, 04:4105/21/16
May 23, 2016, 11:17(edited)

A New Tournament. A tournament to liberate havens that are blockaded with enough rewards to make it interesting.

We will add more Tournaments in future, but I'm not sure that we will have the 'Liberate' one.
May 23, 2016, 19:3305/23/16
May 24, 2016, 12:29(edited)

It would be nice to have a countdown timer somewhere to show when your seven days is up after joining a new Brotherhood.  Especially since there is a huge amount of things that rule influences.  For those of us making an honest BH switch this seven days seems like an eternity.

I have passed your suggestion to our developers.
May 23, 2016, 19:3305/23/16
May 24, 2016, 12:31(edited)

Modifying Auto Crew Hide Item

Adding option to choose which kind of troops i want to hide, let's say just offensive or just defensive or both.

I have passed it further
May 30, 2016, 06:5805/30/16
May 30, 2016, 11:49(edited)

Add Research Speed in Bastion Knowledges.

You already have it for Pearls 

Jun 5, 2016, 10:2906/05/16
Jun 6, 2016, 11:35(edited)

1 ) the ability to see who is online in the real time show (not every 10 min or so)

it must be in real time.

2 ) make statistic tab able to show real offense and defense power in player haven..not just the basic power...but all the power from relic and bastion and potions.

1) Declined. Unfortunately, we cannot display it in a real time, because it would overload the server and cause lags. but we can show who was online within the last 15 minutes or so.

2) Declined. We cannot show you the bonuses of other players.
Jun 8, 2016, 15:0006/08/16
Jun 9, 2016, 10:05(edited)

Units in bastion like it shows for precids 

id like to know the total amount of troops in my teams bastion

along with who is defending the bastion, and how much

these to things are highly needed

Accepted. We will add this info in future updates.
Jun 9, 2016, 07:1606/09/16
Jun 9, 2016, 10:07(edited)

Adding a button named "BH" In trade sketches

Right now we have hearties, shipmates etc but not BH.

So to trade sketches in BH we need to add them all as friends & when someone leaves unfriend him/her

if the above button is added it will do a lot good.

I will pass it to our developers.

Jun 11, 2016, 17:1506/11/16
Jun 11, 2016, 17:19(edited)

FaZi said:

Add a tab in Brethern Court labeled as BH reports, in which you will see all reports performed on your BH, either they send a raid or was raided. They get blocked or they block some one.

Add filters on the first line by which we can filter reports

Show reports of incoming raid only

Show reports of outgoing raids

Show Reports of Blockade etc.

Declined. Our developers have declined this suggestion, because not all of our players would like to share their reports. We have fixed a bug when you could see them, and we are not planning to add this option intentionally.

Such things are decided by voting. I can give examples of plenty games in which brotherhoods can see each other reports.I don't know about others but right now my BH really need this thing and my players are agreed to share their reports. Right now we have to send reinforcements to them and than we get a report if he gets block or raided but these for incoming only & to stay updated we have to send the reinforcements again right after the raid to see future raids/blockade.

If we introduce this, we can see out going raids/blockades as well. along with less headache of sending reinforcements.

So what i suggest is maybe we can have a poll here & go with the option what is most voted.

Additionally i am sure all BH leaders will appreciate this thing since it would help them a lot in determining the performance of the players.

Yes for privacy issue we can limit it to few members only, such as we assign ranks that who can see stats of players, same like that we can add this option too.

Jun 11, 2016, 17:1706/11/16
Jun 14, 2016, 10:23(edited)

elia444 said:

elia444 said:

The cost of boost of 8 hours/12 hours/24 are the same price...

so or to change the price or to remove the 12 hour and the 24 hour boost because they have no use

The price is different:

its the same ratio of price.. you can buy 3 x 8 hours same price as 1 x  24 hours

And you can choose which one to buy. Is it so bad to have an ability to reduce the number of clicks if you need to boost something for 24 hours?

what we want it price should be reduced for 12 hours & 24 hours.

Since every previous boost individually is costly but when we move to a bigger amount of boost it gets less costly, So why this thing not applied to 12 & 24 hours boost?

Declined. We are not planning to reduce the price.

Jun 11, 2016, 17:2106/11/16
Jun 14, 2016, 10:25(edited)

Adding Unit Training speed boosters, such as treasure gatherer or defense enhancer.

They will boost unit training speed by 25% or 50% for 8 hours or 24 hours.

Though it was passed to other Community Managers as well, Current & Old. But we have no update.

We will implement some game features which will boost your production speed. But I don't know when it happens.
Jun 13, 2016, 03:3206/13/16
I agree, I'd rather have on a percentage x time than a one shot boost. 
Jun 13, 2016, 11:2706/13/16
Jun 15, 2016, 11:30(edited)

we want to know who get kicked out of the Bh ...and who left on his own...sadly we get the same message from Plarium when 2 different action is performed.

we want a message for kicked out and the other for leaving on his own

I will pass it to our developers.

Jun 13, 2016, 14:2206/13/16

ligolaspoland said:

we want to know who get kicked out of the Bh ...and who left on his own...sadly we get the same message from Plarium when 2 different action is performed.

we want a message for kicked out and the other for leaving on his own

This is a good feature: it's ever hard to know, if someone isn't in the button's room, to know if the player was kicked out for inactivity or he leave the BH on his own knees

Jun 14, 2016, 04:2406/14/16
Jun 14, 2016, 10:26(edited)


Why are there no brotherhood adventures anymore? They are vital to the development of new players and unifying a brotherhood.

At one point they were pretty much daily, now they have been reduced drastically making it more difficult for us to new players up and running.



This has been explained multiple times. 3+ events (like Tournaments) are blocking BH adventures.

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