Banking in Prizes(New)
Just to Summarize the previous thread. Unless you're willing to read all 6 pages here we go:
Brethren and Pardond units are worth half of their normal unit counter parts.
Dark Corsairs, Gear and Dread units have a unknown value when doing prizes.
Black Corsair and Safe Havens do have a difference in strength compared to Sea Forts and Caravels. With the latter being more powerful.
The Bank is the resource value of the troops you receive, resources plus interest. The interest many of us go by is 12% The better the unit the higher the resource value ex..Jug = 25k or a maurader = 300 To figure out your bank you take the number of units * resource value + interest = bank.
Certain in game items can boost the power of your troops - relics, potions, knowledge, 10 or 20 defense or offense boost, 50/50 both def and off, and Prestige. Excluding potions and knowledge the other items generally have a time limit from 4 hours - 30 days(max) they're good for.
You don't necessarily have to spend money to get giant fleets. If you plan your participation in tournaments right you can win in game items and rubies, without spending a cent. But some of us do like the added edge or just don't have a cap on their budget.
Most prizes give you some sort of small payout to give you the ability to keep going but if you bank enough you'll get a large payout. Those small payouts though are part of your bank. Offense will always have a higher value than its defense counter part ex Sub v Jug - Sub 7500, Jug 25k or Maurader 300 v Bonnie 120. Many have different outlooks on it but to equate which troop to use: time to produce + resource value + comparable value in def and/or offense stats.
From what players have noticed doing your highest level prize does reduce your payout because you get pearls
Depending on your resources in your warehouses, this can effect your payout of troops. Its best to have 80-100% of your warehouses full to avoid getting resources and more troops.
Doing prizes is the only way to feed your bank. Doing adventures, pvp or basically any loss of troops outside of prizes does not help you with your bank.
Personal suggestion - join a BH they'll help you learn. If they don't then leave and find another one that actually will help you grow. As BH leaders its more beneficial to us that you know what you're doing