You know that we have regular Bank Offers and Special Offers with bonuses.
Special Offers appear according to a set algorithm which is constantly evolving. Several departments work on the development of that algorithm and they rely on analytics data, marketing research and other information they receive through their research channels.
You can receive a cheap or an expensive Special Offer, and it is chosen by that algorithm. Unfortunately, it’s not a part of the game our players can affect directly or pass suggestions about some changes to it. If you don’t like your current Offers or find them expensive, you can wait for better ones, and they will appear sooner or later.
Currently, the algorithm for "specials" is not that mysterious. If you buy rubies, you get more expensive "specials" with relatively fewer bonuses. If you refrain from buying, the prices of those "specials" drops (roughly once every two weeks), until they drop to $10/$5/$2. If you wait further, you'll eventually get those with really nice bonuses.
So, yes, if you want to spend a lot, you can. If you spend sparingly, it can be much cheaper for you.
Well, I can't buy a special if I wanted to, and I do.
Something changed. I used to be able to scroll down when the screen on this Apple laptop downsized. Not any more.
And if I just click on the highlighted price nothing happens. This seems to be the result of the new patch....
So what gives.??