I have a definitive answer for you: it really is computed the same way as the haven def bonus, i.e., every 100 points is a 1% bonus on whatever is defending your haven.
Personal opinion: build proper haven def, not the scouting one. Because of Fireships, and especially scouts' sensitivity to them, it's not really worth defending from scouts. Leave a few scouts out (I tend to leave 5 Zepps and 5 FDs; if killed, my Infirmary will give 2 of each back for free), to defend against minor scoutings by players essentially checking if you're worth a quick raid, but otherwise turtle all troops and spend your res often, so you remain uninteresting for all hits.
The actual haven def can be very useful if you are here when someone hits your haven. Then you unturtle seconds before the hit (keep in mind that they take 15s to return from the harbour) and then turtle right after the hit, thus avoiding Fireships but benefiting greatly from the walls, cannons, haven improvements and guards, etc.
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