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New "players" ??New "players" ??

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New "players" ??

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Dec 21, 2023, 14:3312/21/23

New "players" ??


Wow, another buch of russian / ukrainian players that suddenly decided to start all over again on Pirate bay server?

There is a whole line of those all same created same date, same level and already sending in-game messages to scam others in paying for purchases ?..

several accounts, but each sending the same message  

[11:25] kirillov_semen: Уважаемые игроки, если вам не доступна покупка игровой валюты в игре, я готов помочь с этим (ЭТО НЕ НАКРУТКА А ПОКУПКА ВМЕСТО ВАС НА ВАШ АККАУНТ) все абсолютно законно.  Есть два варианта: с предоставлением доступа к аккаунту (логин и пароль) и без предоставления доступа к вашему аккаунту (без входа на аккаунт). Никаких предоплат не нужно, вы будете оплачивать после того, как убедитесь, что покупка совершена!!!        По всем вопросам пишите в удобное вам время, всегда помогу разобраться.Мой Вайбер, ватсап + xxxxxxxxxxxx и телеграмм - +xxxxxxxxxxxx или @xxxxxxxxxxxx 

Dear players, if you are not able to purchase game currency in the game, I am ready to help with this (THIS IS NOT A CHEAT, BUT A PURCHASE INSTEAD OF YOU TO YOUR ACCOUNT) everything is absolutely legal. There are two options: with providing access to your account (login and password) and without providing access to your account (without logging into your account). No advance payments are required, you will pay after you are sure that the purchase is completed!!! For all questions, write at a time convenient for you, I will always help you figure it out. My Viber, WhatsApp + xxxxxxxxxxxx and telegram - +xxxxxxxxxxxx or @xxxxxxxxxxxx 

Dec 22, 2023, 00:1412/22/23

Best to report them here as "Violation of game rules".

Also, when posting on the forum, please remove all of their contact info.

Jan 12, 2024, 09:2101/12/24


my friends are playing this game and i decided to; 

i had installed the game but can not find them;

They are in Argonavts, i could not find this brotherhood in the game;

can you help me? may be i had installed another version of pirates: tides of fortune?

Jan 12, 2024, 12:1101/12/24

You need to ask them where are they playing.

First, it is "portal" vs. Facebook. If it's the latter, it is closed to new accounts and you can only join your friends if someone gives you their account (some do that when they decide to leave the game).

Luckily, it's more likely the former ("portal" = "anything NOT Facebook"). In that case, ask them which map they are playing on. They are:

* s1: The Pirate Bay;

* s2: The Golden Coast;

* s3: The Sirens' Strait.

There is no moving your haven between those maps, so if you started on the wrong one, you need to start from scratch on the right one.

You can see which map you're currently on here:


If you click on that, you'll see the list of maps and you can choose the correct one:


I did a quick check and couldn't find the Brotherhood that you mentioned on any of the portal maps, but it could be a lettering or a spelling thing or something similar.

Check with your friends.

Jan 7, 2025, 12:2101/07/25
Jan 7, 2025, 12:42(edited)

What happened to my account friend list here in a browser?

my In-Game Hearties list maxed out at 83

my App is maxed out at 130 friends

I used to have well over 200. I used to be able to access a list of friends on my account here in any browser and delete inactive friends. 

I can not delete any friends showing in the Play App. There is no room for a full BH anyway, being in a full BH with 150 brothers, you can see how this doesn't add up, It was even hard just to find this forum at all.. ended up in 2 other forums before this. 

Had to google Plarium Pirates specifically, then figure out a way to get here.

I know Pirates is probably the last priority in Plarium List of Games.

I was just wondering if this is a subtle hint that you would rather shut pirates down 

None of the new players or old players switching BHs seem to be able to friend anyone  for over a year.. I had not been paying attention but is painfully obvious that I am unable to send or recieve friend requests anymore and other than deleting off of hearties bar which does not have room for a whole BH. I can't make room.. 

I did log in to my account and saw where the friends list should be but it is under development?

Overview My   Library   Friends

Can't find your friends?

This area is still under development. To see the list of your friends, please install our Plarium Play 

Overview  My   Library  Friends

You haven't played any games yet

See all our games or download Plarium Play now to try them on your PC or Mac. app. 

I probably won't come looking for a reply.. just let it be known New Players show up and are quitting over this since we can't even friend them or  revive their home gaurds 

I see code rewards and special gifts.. but what use is a game without friends? I see this has been mentioned in other game forums. The friending is issue is in at least 3 games if not more. 

LMAO.. and here I thought the new players were just ignoring my friend requests. My take is Pirates doesn't earn enough money to support it.. so I get it.. Raid of Shadows earns more than all other plarium games combined..  yes I looked that up.. 

anyway.. I still have friends but feel sorry for any new players.

Jan 7, 2025, 22:0801/07/25
I was just wondering if this is a subtle hint that you would rather shut pirates down 

This game has been on its last legs for years now. I'm sure they'll shut it down at some point, but there is no indication that it'll be any time soon.

As for the "Friends" system, it's bugged at the moment and can be managed only through the app.