raphaelholstein282Oct 2, 2023, 15:2210/02/2310/02/230A question about a very old game..........Good evening friends Does anyone know the old favorite game High Seas Trader?
CrowbarModeratorOct 3, 2023, 10:3410/03/2303/07/162373Sadly, this forum is not very active and you're unlikely to get (m)any replies. I myself never played that game, but I did play "Sid Meier's Pirates!".
CoalMinerNov 3, 2023, 10:1811/03/2304/17/1611Just so you know Crowbar many of us still read just dont speak. And no never have played High Sea Trader, sounds intresting though
CrowbarModeratorNov 5, 2023, 02:1111/05/2303/07/162373People who don't speak usually don't give (m)any replies. 😉