This time ten new Presidios have been added only to the Plarium server 1.
Kindly answer the original post, which was... why has PLARIUM server 3 recieved no new presidios in YEARS?
Responding about facebook or others servers does not address the original post.
Same answers you seem to give to any posts regarding third party scripts (bots).
Orthodox Crhistmas this weekend, so the CMs are off today too.
Keep in mind that it takes a bit of time to get the info. CMs don't know everything, so they need to find the data (like "will we get new Presidios on portal's s3 soon?") before they can share it with you.
I know for a fact that it's been asked, so please be patient. I am sure that Olenka will get back to you as soon as she gets the info (or she'll give me the info and I'll share it here).
Orthodox Crhistmas this weekend, so the CMs are off today too.
Keep in mind that it takes a bit of time to get the info. CMs don't know everything, so they need to find the data (like "will we get new Presidios on portal's s3 soon?") before they can share it with you.
I know for a fact that it's been asked, so please be patient. I am sure that Olenka will get back to you as soon as she gets the info (or she'll give me the info and I'll share it here).
And that right there illustrates the point i was trying to make. Plarium employees tap dance around actually answering ANY direct question.
Mod/players like crowbar will at least tell you when they do not have the information.
It's not a tap dance. Olenka asked as soon as it was clear what the question was (which server; it may have been obvious to the impacted players, but she handles all the platforms for multiple games). This was on Friday (somewhat slowed down due to my own absence, as I was away on a trip and could access the forum only late in the evening), just before the weekend.
If we don't get the info on Tue or Wed, she'll re-ask, and we'll get back to you soon afterwards (with the info or a note that we failed to get it).
It IS frustrating, I agree. But that's how big companies function (using that word generously here 😉). It's nothing specific to Plarium. I worked for two fairly big software companies so far, and the comms were always slow and problematic.
has anybody addressed the question of siren strait on plarium needing new P's ? No one can take their bastian to 30 even if they wanted to cuz we don't have enough P's on that server for even 1 bh to successfully take their bh bastian to level 30 . So how can the developers make that requirement when no one can possibly achieve it .
has anybody addressed the question of siren strait on plarium needing new P's ? No one can take their bastian to 30 even if they wanted to cuz we don't have enough P's on that server for even 1 bh to successfully take their bh bastian to level 30 . So how can the developers make that requirement when no one can possibly achieve it .
116 Presidios should be enough for two BHs' Bastions. Am I missing something?
Not saying that you shouldn't get more Presidios, but before passing it on, I need to understand your argument here.
how does any BH on server 3 get to level 30 Bastion with out opportunities to get more P's to get the requirements of the Bastion rules
What do you mean by "with out opportunities to get more P's"? Why are 116 Presidios on that map not enough to get the requirement of 55 Presidios?
I am not joking. We can argue that it's hard to capture 50% of Presidios, and I'd agree with this. I did say that I am "Not saying that you shouldn't get more Presidios". But, if you manage to pull that off, you'd get your Bastion requirements, wouldn't you?
Your argument is that it is impossible, which I don't understand why. Hard, yes. Impossible, no. Do we agree on that or am I missing something?
I'm a newbie when it comes to Presidios, but it seems like when a presidio gets to a certain number of def points, it becomes pretty much invulnerable — how many def points does that take? What is the best strategy to get just a single presidion upgraded all the way to where it cannot be downgraded.
@Ladnar , a Presidio can always be downgraded. It's just that, as its defence grows, it becomes ridiculously expensive (in terms of troops needed to attack it) to do so. But because that difficulty grows with Presidio def, there is no "magic number". The more the better.
One way to look at it is this:
Point: you can easily send all Armada, Fleet, and maybe even Mercs def to a Presidio, since there is very little to do with it otherwise.
If a whole Brotherhood of 100+ players does that, the Presidio should be well defended. Say, 100M def per player (which is not really much these days) times 100 BH members equals 10B. Should be good enough. Just don't get greedy and try to hold 50 Presidios with that.
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