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What kind of foul play is this?

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Feb 8, 2018, 12:3602/08/18

What kind of foul play is this?

Attacked enemy havn- no fight report given - no returning units to incoming attack to see but suddenly - red cross and loose of many troops!
Still no fight report of my attack, still no fight report of attack of my homecoming troops...

Feb 8, 2018, 20:5402/08/18

No answer? Come on - is this your new policy ? Pretending to make conversations open but not answering at all?

Feb 8, 2018, 21:4802/08/18

Wow! No answer in 8 hours! Shame on Plarium! :-P

It might help if you properly explained your problem. I, for one, don't have a clue what "suddenly - red cross and loose of many troops" means. I think you attacked someone, but got no report, yet you somehow know you lost many units. That's really not much to go on, and my crystal ball is not feeling well today, so I cannot read your mind. Sorry for that.

Feb 9, 2018, 18:0702/09/18
Feb 9, 2018, 18:08(edited)

Crowbar said:

Wow! No answer in 8 hours! Shame on Plarium! :-P

It might help if you properly explained your problem. I, for one, don't have a clue what "suddenly - red cross and loose of many troops" means. I think you attacked someone, but got no report, yet you somehow know you lost many units. That's really not much to go on, and my crystal ball is not feeling well today, so I cannot read your mind. Sorry for that.

My guess, red cross is the infirmary so mystery one solved. Confusion for me is, you only see the red cross if your haven is hit or am I missing something?

No report? I have accidentally deleted reports so it may be that simple.

My thoughts, he hit someone, he was hit back and he was so upset, he deleted all his MAA reports.

Hands your crystal ball an aspirin. ;)
Feb 9, 2018, 21:1702/09/18

Azhaar Laghari said:

My guess, red cross is the infirmary so mystery one solved. Confusion for me is, you only see the red cross if your haven is hit or am I missing something?

Exactly, so - if this is what he meant - it has nothing to do with the attack he sent.

Azhaar Laghari said:

No report? I have accidentally deleted reports so it may be that simple.

My thoughts, he hit someone, he was hit back and he was so upset, he deleted all his MAA reports.

Maybe, but that's for him to explain, so the agents can investigate.

Azhaar Laghari said:

Hands your crystal ball an aspirin. ;)

Thank you. It feels a bit better now, and sends its best to you.

Feb 21, 2018, 11:2102/21/18

I send an attack -

But there was no report about it, no report appeared.

No units returning to see

Reload - nothing happened . still my RETURNING troops not to see (there is a timer down on the left - maybe you know ;-) ? )

but - troops returned and where attacked - but also this attack was not to see on screen (there is also a timer )

suddenly the red cross appeared over infirmary - 

so my not appearing units (no reoport about attack, no report about returning) have been hit by an not appearing attack!

AND no, nobody was "upset" and deleted reports - reports appeared way later - asnd from them - my troops returned and where shortly after destroyed.

as you might imagine - its impossible to hide troops you do not see, its not usual that fight reports do not appear immediately and its unusual the returning troops are not to see on the timer/counter - same as the attack was not to see!

Feb 21, 2018, 19:4002/21/18
Feb 22, 2018, 14:04(edited)

Ah, I think I know what happened. 

You sent your raid, but then the person you attacked used a whirlpool to relocate (likely near you). If I'm not mistaken, that would cancel your attack, meaning that your units instantly returned to your haven (so, no "button" in the bottom left corner). Mind you, they'd end up in the stronghold, not the harbour. Reloading wouldn't do anything, because cancelled attacks are never reported.

So, your units were then sitting out in the open, and someone - I'm guessing the person you sent attack against - hit you. Quite a good strategy to kill someone's off, especially if it travels more than a few minutes, so the owner is likely not here to watch over it.

The final report, of the attack against you, was late because of a 2.5 years old bug. But, at that point, the damage was already done and the report being late had nothing to do with it (although, it is highly annoying to have such unreliable reporting system which, in my opinion, is the key part of strategic games).

I hope this answers your question.

Feb 23, 2018, 17:3702/23/18

As written:"reports appeared later!" L A T E R ! 

NO whirpool used!

Feb 23, 2018, 20:0102/23/18

I'll leave it to the agents then. If the report of your attack appeared, then you really should've seen it on time and you should've seen the returning units.

Agent HelenTechnical Support
Feb 24, 2018, 10:5802/24/18

Hi everyone, Crowbar is right, seems you attacked a Haven and the player relocated and hit you back. If you send me the screenshot of the battle (with your and your opponent's coordinates) I can only check if your opponent used relocator on that date and time to confirm the theory. 

If you are interested, in this article you can find the list of cases when your units return without attacking anyone.

Mar 2, 2018, 23:0803/02/18

i wonder if you are able to read!!!!!!!!!!

my units attacked but the report appeared way too late and the returning units did not show up on their this a strategy? not to read but repeat just something that was already declared as siply wrong?
Agent HelenTechnical Support
Mar 3, 2018, 10:5503/03/18

I understand your frustration that is why I offered my help and requested the screenshots to investigate your case. Unfortunately, I can't check the case without the battle report with your and your opponent's coordinates and the date and time of the battle. 

 If you decide to provide me with this data, I would be glad to clarify the situation.

Mar 4, 2018, 19:5903/04/18
you got everything - and I get no response?
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Mar 5, 2018, 14:2103/05/18

CBabel said:

you got everything - and I get no response?

Hello, Captain!

We need to receive the battle report to investigate your case. The report is needed to compare the time displayed with the time of the battle on the game server. I am afraid we are unable to investgate this issue without the screenshot.
Mar 7, 2018, 18:5403/07/18
and you want me to send it here ? in public yes?
Agent HelenTechnical Support
Mar 8, 2018, 11:1003/08/18
If you don't wish to display the screenshot to the public, please send it as a reply to my private message.
Mar 8, 2018, 14:3703/08/18
Mar 8, 2018, 15:04(edited)

Agent Helen said:

If you don't wish to display the screenshot to the public, please send it as a reply to my private message.

The game hibernates after 3 minutes until we click the screen but there is NO WARNING (because a few idiots complained about the pop-up)

This might explain why so much happened without CBABEL noticing

Important Correction:

After a few tests I have discovered that pop-ups do appear .... but NOT IN FULL SCREEN MODE

This seems to be another bug which needs to be investigated further

If players are losing units because the screen has secretly hibernated then we have a big problem