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My Account is back to lvl 1 :(

My Account is back to lvl 1 :(

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Dec 28, 2017, 05:1712/28/17

My Account is back to lvl 1 :(


I have been inactive for a year or so and now I log into my account and I have a new haven that level 1 even though I can still see my old haven on the same map! these are the coordinates of my old haven -1024; -1115 (lvl71) on the Golden Coast. My new level 1 haven is at -754; -1584.

I can provide the email that I log in with as well if it helps(its the same email i loged in for this account).

Thank you.

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Dec 28, 2017, 09:5012/28/17
Dec 28, 2017, 11:37(edited)

Hello, Captain!

Your account progress cannot be reset due to any game issues. Please make sure you have logged into the same game server as in the past. 

The following article can help you to solve the issue.

Dec 28, 2017, 13:2112/28/17

Agent Pavel, that is the wrong answer.

clarinetclarinet111 claims to have been away for more than a year. I found his haven where he claims it should be, on the Golden Coast (I've checked the other two servers: s1 has some very low level haven there, and s3 is not nearly populated enough for those coords), with the old, pre-transfer-from-Kabam avatar, which means that either:

  1. something went wrong with his transfer; or
  2. it's not his haven (which for Plarium to determine).
Either way, we should be focusing on Kabam->Plarium transfer of Feb 20th 2017 as the source of the problem here.

@clarinetclarinet111 Are you sure that you requested the transfer for the right email address, i.e., the same one that you used on Kabam?

AndriiTechnical Support
Dec 29, 2017, 13:1012/29/17

Hello Captains! Yes, this is an account from Kabam. clarinetclarinet111, please check out your personal messages and send me your email (I'll create a ticket for you to handle this issue).

Happy holidays!

AndriiTechnical Support
Dec 30, 2017, 11:3612/30/17

clarinetclarinet111 said:


I have been inactive for a year or so and now I log into my account and I have a new haven that level 1 even though I can still see my old haven on the same map! these are the coordinates of my old haven -1024; -1115 (lvl71) on the Golden Coast. My new level 1 haven is at -754; -1584.

I can provide the email that I log in with as well if it helps(its the same email i loged in for this account).

Thank you.


I have submitted a ticket regarding your case. We will contact you via email. 

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Thank you for your cooperation!

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