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Ongoing Bug Report with our Brotherhood Adventures

Ongoing Bug Report with our Brotherhood Adventures

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Nov 19, 2017, 04:1411/19/17

Ongoing Bug Report with our Brotherhood Adventures

We have been having this issue for months, our BH is having issues with the way BA's are issued everyday. There should be 5  BA's, Raid rival havens, Daily quests, destroy enemy units, prizes, and train units. However for instance in the last 2 weeks, we've received raid rival havens 1 day, the next is train units. These are the only 2 we have been given now for 2 weeks. We haven't had daily quest for now in 12 days as we have collected 12 refreshers and can't use them, nor have we received prizes or destroy enemy units. This has been ongoing, and when it would come up time and time again, they would do something and it would change to the 3 that we weren't receiving. It seems to me that there should be programming in place that generates a BH receiving 1  of the 5 in rotation everyday in a week.   Prior to this issue we never had any problems, then they did some upgrades and it started. When we would report it, they would do whatever it was they did and it would change, but never did it change so that we ever received the 5 in rotation.  So now for instance, yesterday was train units, today is raid rival havens, tomorrow will be train units, and so on. Like I said, for the last 2 weeks all we have received is these 2. And it's to a point our entire BH is sick and tired of having to raid every other day, or train units every other day. We haven't received the other 3 in so long I've forgotten how to do them.

I've talked to other BH's and there are some having the same issues, some  said their 5 are in rotation, like it should be. I just wish they would fix this bug so that we could receive 1 of our 5 in rotation each day, instead of the same 2 over and over.  All we're asking is that this bug get resolved once and for all and we don't have to deal with this issue again. It's very frustrating. I can almost bet you in 2 hours we will have train units again. It's almost a given. I would just like to have the 5 back in rotation again so we can at least have the opportunity to do something other than raid rival havens or train units. 

Our BH is Night Stalkers, we're in The Pirate Bay server,,  to reproduce it, in 2 hrs. when the new BA is issued,  there is no feature that causes it,  it's issued to our BH by plarium. I don't know what other info you need but I can gladly give it to you. My in game coord. 745; 301.

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Nov 19, 2017, 09:5111/19/17

Hello, Captain!

I have checked your Brotherhood activity and found that the Adventures are refreshing successfully. For instance, I can see Engage Prizes active Adventure for your Brotherhood at the moment. Please close the completed Adventures at your Events list and you will see the new Adventure.
Dec 14, 2017, 04:1912/14/17

Yes they fixed our issue finally after not having a daily quest for 18 days. Raid rival havens and destroy enemy units were all we were getting. They resolved it after it was reported, and  we've been getting all 5 up until a week ago, but now it's happening again. In the last week we haven't had anything but destroy enemy units and raid rival havens. every other day one or the other, and today once again raid rival havens. This is the 4th raid rival haven we've had this week, and tomorrow will be destroy enemy units, and back and forth until it's reported again. We're not getting any of the others, We haven't  had daily quests in 7 days now because I have 7 BH refreshers that we get everyday from the new brotherhood activity feature. I use my refreshers everytime we have a daily quest BA, but since we haven't had one, I've accumulated 7 refreshers.

This happens about once every 3 or 4 months. Then we report it, they fix it and it works ok for a while. This has been going on for a year now.
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Dec 14, 2017, 10:1012/14/17
Dane the One said:

Yes they fixed our issue finally after not having a daily quest for 18 days. Raid rival havens and destroy enemy units were all we were getting. They resolved it after it was reported, and  we've been getting all 5 up until a week ago, but now it's happening again. In the last week we haven't had anything but destroy enemy units and raid rival havens. every other day one or the other, and today once again raid rival havens. This is the 4th raid rival haven we've had this week, and tomorrow will be destroy enemy units, and back and forth until it's reported again. We're not getting any of the others, We haven't  had daily quests in 7 days now because I have 7 BH refreshers that we get everyday from the new brotherhood activity feature. I use my refreshers everytime we have a daily quest BA, but since we haven't had one, I've accumulated 7 refreshers.

This happens about once every 3 or 4 months. Then we report it, they fix it and it works ok for a while. This has been going on for a year now.
Could you please clarify where have you reported this issue before when the bug has been confirmed? Our support team has not reported such issues to our developers and we are unable to fix Brotherhood Adventures for a certain Brotherhood manually. 
I have checked your Brotherhood activity once again and found that you had Troops training Adventure on December,12 , Daily Quests completion Adventure on December, 7. The system is randomized. Thus the fact you are getting Raid Havens Adventure more often than the other ones, cannot be classified as a bug. 
Mar 24, 2018, 03:4303/24/18

I sent numerous tickets to support,   I was actually sending them to support before they removed the bug report selection from their drop down menu. Once they removed the bug report option and moved it to the forum, I started posting in the forum. I have my copies of the tickets in my email folder I keep for plarium issues, they just never responded or did anything about it, or they may fix it temporarily. So I reported it here, and basically got responses like "raiding is just part of the game" or we checked and there is nothing wrong with the BA's and your BH. So if there is nothing wrong why is it that we go weeks  back and forth like the last 2 weeks, it was raid rival havens and destroy enemy units, back to back and  today for the first time in weeks, we had train units. Prior to that it was prizes and destroy enemy units, this went back and forth for a couple of weeks. We haven't had a BA on Daily Quests in 22 days. I have the refreshers that show this. We are due one in a few hours, but I have a feeling it will be raid rival havens again, since this seems to be an every other day BA. I wish they would get it set to alternate all 5 like it use to be. It use to be set up that we would go through the 5 different ones and it would start over. But in this last 6 to 8 months, it's been an issue with our BH with just 2 back and forth for a couple of weeks, then one of them will change and those 2 will go back and forth. Never do we ever have 5 alternating anymore. I never mind raiding but with the amount of raid rival havens that we're given every other day, eventually we run out of things to raid within 30 miles of our havens. LOL I'm serious. I wish they would start giving us Daily Quests so we can start using some of these refreshers we have accumulated from the daily achievement. We actually get to a point because of this issue that we dread them popping up because we know what it's going to be. We haven't gone this long before so messed up. In the past when we would report it through the bug report in support, they would correct it, and it would run a few weeks correctly then it would mess up again, we'd report it, they would fix it. But since we can't report a bug report through support anymore, only in the forums, nothing ever get's fixed.

As far as your support team saying they have not reported anything to the developers, well then what do they do with tickets we use to send in? This has been a question I've had for a long time. I use to could log into my page and see all the tickets I reported, I haven't looked in a long time but if nothing has changed there, and I'll look, all the tickets will be there also. Just looked, the ones about BA's aren't there but here is  1 email I have where I sent to support, my email and their response. SO they did get them, which shows me they just never turned them over to the developers. This is just 1 email, and from reading it, It appears to me that I had submitted many prior to this, and I do have them in my inbox, reading them now. Just wanted to post one here for you, so you can see it was reported and the response I got. After reporting something like this so many times, it should have been submitted to the developers long ago.

Sep 23, 17:21 EEST

Once again there is an issue with the issuing the Brotherhood Adventures, every other day we are given prizes and train troops, rarely are we getting daily quests, or destroy enemy units, but we haven't had raid rival havens in 1 month. These should be issued revolving the 5 leaving us to duplicate 2 in a weeks time. In the last week alone we have had train units 3 times, and prizes 3 times, that's just in 7 days. It's a bit much when there should be 5 alternating at all times. This happened a couple of months ago when you were giving us raid rival havens every other day but now it's reversed. Now we're never getting raid rival havens, or dailies. Please get these so that all 5 are back alternating. This is getting very tiring doing the same ones every other day.

Anastasiya (Plarium Support Center | Browser Games)

Sep 26, 13:28 EEST

Dear XXX!

Thank you for contacting us.

Please note that the Brotherhood Adventures are randomly issued.

This process is automatically-controlled, thus I cannot tell which Adventure will appear next.

Please note that the Adventures do not depend on any values, there is just a certain set of Adventures and the system chooses which one will be next.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

Anastasiya | Plarium Support Team

AndriiTechnical Support
Mar 24, 2018, 16:3003/24/18

Hello, Captain! I can see that you reported this matter several times. I'd like to tell you a bit more about how we work with cases which players report to us.

Let's start. We have enough tools for testing. In addition to that, we have access to the technical docs with the description of how features work. So, we can check the balance of the game features and compare the initial data with the information in the player's report. Basing on this analysis and testing, we can verify if there really some error or this is just a peculiarity of the game mechanics. This is exactly what was done in your case.My colleagues investigated your case and concluded that this feature works as intended. Since did not discover any bug, they did not create any tasks for the developers.

Yes, there are situations when player's vision of the functionality is at odds with the functionality's balance. We all sometimes don't like something and want it to be different and it's quite normal. Do we pay attention to such cases? Yes, we do. We consider all feedback we get from our players. You did the right thing sharing your thoughts on this matter with us. This is exactly the kind of input we need to make positive changes in the game. 

Apr 24, 2018, 08:2604/24/18

I don't know what docs you have or how you can even check the diagnostics of our BH system, Do you have the capability to run a trace on the coding of the program? Your just going by typical generalized books combined for help desks. Which is good in some cases but in ours, is not. This has been going on for us for some 2 years now. We have had destroy enemy units now every other day for over 3 weeks. This is not normal game play. Normal game play would be that every 5 BA's would run alternating in which we do not have. For 2 weeks we went from this destroy enemy units to prizes, then the game started inserting different ones from the prizes to train units, to raid rival havens, never taking out of this equation destroy enemy units, which has now been running every other day for 3 weeks to a month. SO YOU TELL ME how this is normal. I have once again asked many BH's and they don't go through this, so why are we? See we know more about the inside working of the game than some. 

This is where this issue would be found. and are you qualified to research to this extent??? This is just basic, there are many different syntex.