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Sep 17, 2021, 11:1009/17/21

find my friends

Hi, my friends convinced me to play this game, but I can't find them, he doesn't show them to me, they play on Facebook, but I'm on another platform how should I do to find them?

Thank you all

Sep 17, 2021, 22:4609/17/21

You can't. In order to play with them, you need to be on the same platform and, within that platform, on the same map. It is probably best that you ask them to guide you to start a new haven on the same platform and map on which they are playing.

Sep 18, 2021, 07:5209/18/21

Hello Crowbar, I asked them but they still entered Gameroom, and we don't know how to do it, please help me, thank you  

Sep 18, 2021, 23:4909/18/21

I never had a FB account. I'll ask my Plarium contact, but they probably won't respond before Monday.

Sep 19, 2021, 08:2409/19/21

Happy Sunday Crowbar, thank you very much for your interest you are really kind, I look forward to an answer again a thousand thanks  

Sep 21, 2021, 15:0209/21/21
Sep 23, 2021, 14:47(edited)

Sorry to keep you waiting. I finally got my answer. It's not very encouraging, but it should be doable.

There is no official way to join the game on Facebook. That requires a browser and the game officially doesn't work in browsers anymore.

However, there is an unsupported way to use one: you need to use Puffin browser to be able to start your account on Facebook, which you do here. Your friends will still have to tell you which map they're on.

Once you're there, you should be able to migrate to Plarium Play following these instructions. The game will show as a separate Pirates game with Facebooks logo, unlike your current one.

Alternatively, you can keep playing using Puffin, but it's a paid-for browser, and the gift codes we sometimes get are not supported when playing outside of Plarium Play.

Good luck!

Sep 21, 2021, 17:4009/21/21

Hi Crowbar, thank you very much for your answer, I will try to do so let's see what I can do, if not patience I will continue normally and make new friends