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Glitch in battle scenario's

Glitch in battle scenario's

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May 6, 2017, 20:5805/06/17

Glitch in battle scenario's

One of my good friends in the game sent me this screen shot of a battle with another player. I find it rather disturbing that the math in this battle does not in any way work correctly. Has anyone else seen this happen and if so how do we get this fixed so that it doesn't happen again.

Here is the scenario: Offensive run totaled 6.9 million using juggs and plague ships besides a large number of misc. troops

Defensive side had 5 Krakens and 1458 subs totaling 1.9 million in defensive points

How is it possible for so much damage to occur to the offensive side when even if all boosts possible to strengthen defense still do not calculate correctly.

I would include the screenshot of the battle but for some reason or another the image wont load here, I have added a link to the image in the beginning of this thread i guess its yet another glitch in the system on plarium's server. 

May 6, 2017, 21:0605/06/17

If it was truly 7M vs. 2M, I'd expect more damage to the offender, not less, since he lost only 10.6%. Expected loss would be a bit over 2/7, so around 30%.

And that's how these battles work: the ratio of strengths roughly determines percentages of losses (the sum of losses of both sides is usually between 105% and 110%, so it's not exactly the ratio, but it is close).
May 6, 2017, 22:5605/06/17

One of my team members posted and I asked her to remove it. I am going to make this as clear as I can, in any battle scenario there is no way in hell 1.9 mill in defense destroys 6.9 mill in offense, that is a 3 to 1 ratio and the math does not lie. Now maybe this game was never designed to work that way in the beginning but since your dealing with many players from the kabam server you need to take a good look at the math. Many of us from the kabam side have had these numbers down to a science for a very long time. At most there should have been no more then a loss of 2 to 300 juggs and maybe 10 plagues at best. 

Many people are seeing these irregularities in the game and frustration levels are running extremely high as a result. I in fact play all 3 servers and from what I am personally seeing from all the players quiting the game is Plarium is loosing their customers faith in running a reputable game that's both fair and honest, I do understand that Plarium is a business and it needs to make a profit in order to keep this game running as well as pay the salaries of it's employee's, however many players are taking to support and the forums here airing their grievances about many of the issues and bugs that have sprang up as a result of Plariums actions with no real solutions and nothing more then just excuses.

I at this point am considering leaving this game and taking my money for entertainment elsewhere along with many other players. Something to think about --- food for thought.