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bug in calculations for massed attacks?

bug in calculations for massed attacks?

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Apr 2, 2017, 09:5604/02/17

bug in calculations for massed attacks?

is there a bug in the calculation of offense points while doing a massed attack or am i doing something wrong?

a bh member sended me 600K of offense to send in a massed attack, but when i set up the attack and selected his units it only showed a strength of 400K. another member sended me around 520K(calculated this number myself) and in the mass attack it only showed as 350K. only my own troops showed the right number.

any advice on this matter?
Apr 2, 2017, 11:0604/02/17

It is not a bug, but it's not correct either. 

You see, your client (the Flash app that runs the game for you) has no way of knowing your BH mates' bonuses, so it doesn't include them in caclucations, and you get lower numbers. However, the mighty Server knows all, and that's where the battle computations really happen, so that part will be properly computed and the battles will take all bonuses into account.

This was recently discussed with CMs and they confirmed it, so the info is reliable, not just my guess.
Apr 2, 2017, 11:2104/02/17
thanks for the info
Apr 3, 2017, 11:2304/03/17
Don't feel bad, had the same issue myself couple weeks ago. As frustrating as it is, my suggestion to get accurate numbers have each player send you a screen so you can do the math yourself. On their end they have the numbers you're looking for and its way less confusing when sending out a mass.
Apr 3, 2017, 17:3704/03/17

Crowbar said:

It is not a bug, but it's not correct either. 

You see, your client (the Flash app that runs the game for you) has no way of knowing your BH mates' bonuses, so it doesn't include them in caclucations, and you get lower numbers. However, the mighty Server knows all, and that's where the battle computations really happen, so that part will be properly computed and the battles will take all bonuses into account.

This was recently discussed with CMs and they confirmed it, so the info is reliable, not just my guess.

The mighty servers can't even keep track of juiced units in a haven that are sent to the presidios. I have seen as much as a 30% error for some of our old timers. When we are given a love tap, are we to just assume that the mighty servers then get it right? Much more complicated to compute a battle or a presidio hit so why should we believe the boosts are not lost in presidios or in battles? Same with Pl is unable to compute bastion Defence and show it... SMH - 

I know when smoke is being blown such as Flash it being killed off by Chrome because it is so vulnerable to scripts BUT, Pl can not be hacked yet the Master spam mail proves otherwise.

Sharks outside of the walls, buildings on top of other buildings... etc. etc, etc...

Apr 3, 2017, 20:4204/03/17

In theory, you could test it, but that's hardly possible in practice. So, you can either believe that the bonuses are applied properly, or you can refuse to believe it. If you choose the latter, I suggest you don't use any of the bonuses, so they are not wasted.

I choose to not overthink it, simply because there's practically no way for us to know it. I use bonuses as if they work, but I very rarely buy any.