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prize ransack finishing before time ?

prize ransack finishing before time ?

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Mar 4, 2017, 11:2403/04/17

prize ransack finishing before time ?

whats the go. 1 hr left on b/h prize ransack hit 3 prizes and no points .. ???

note the date and time on the prizes .. (last 3)

note the date and time on the prize ransack icon, also no point shown ..

is this an mistake or just another way to get people to lose troops & spend money ? 

making it alot easier to just walk away from the game .. 


Mar 4, 2017, 15:3103/04/17

It seems pretty clear to me that you are right, and I believe it to be a glitch of some sort.

Please, contact the support, with the same screenshots and explanation (minus the bitter comment at the end ;-)) and ask to given the reward that your BH got, since you clearly (should have) won your participation.

If you get a copy/paste response where they refuse or ignore your request, reply to it. They read replies better than the original tickets. ;-)
Mar 4, 2017, 19:4203/04/17

Greetings pirates 

Why would he not be bitter Crowbar ?

This one is a no brainer 

We the players are getting tired of being screwed over by Plarium every time we turn around 

It is always passed off as a glitch of some sort and submit a ticket to support

Are your programers and developers all high on drugs ?

Or just too incompetent to properly do their jobs ?

While i am aware you are only a mod and can do nothing about it here

 Plarium needs to find people who can actually do their jobs properly

and not create such a mess every time they touch something in the game 

Players are getting fed up with this and more and more long time players are quitting every day 

Plarium needs to remember Players = Revenue 

Disgruntled and unhappy Players = No Revenue 

Mar 4, 2017, 22:2003/04/17

Kaptain Kidd said:

Why would he not be bitter Crowbar ?

People love reading what is NOT written. I didn't say that CSean308 shouldn't BE bitter. I only suggested to not include it in his ticket.

In my opinion, there is no use pouring bitterness there. It's not like a Support person will run to the devs saying you're agitated and then the devs will fix anything because of that. And it's generally easier to get what you want without taking the frustration out on a person who's not guilty of it, but is in charge of giving you (or not) what you're asking for. That part has nothing to do with Plarium. It's just a simple fact of human communication.

If CSean308 thinks that bitterness in a ticket will yield him better results, he can disregard that part of my answer. Either way, I honestly wish him good luck.

Mar 5, 2017, 02:1503/05/17

csean308 said:

what's the go. 1 hr left on b/h prize ransack hit 3 prizes and no points .. ???

--- snip ---

is this a mistake or just another way to get people to lose troops & spend money ? 

making it a lot easier to just walk away from the game .. 


My BH chat had 3 that were also complaining that they hit targets and got zero credit for them. I told them to contact support. They all laughed. Seems previous tickets to support were, well, you know.