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Switching over from KABAM, and can not login to my old havens.

Switching over from KABAM, and can not login to my old havens.

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Feb 24, 2017, 22:0902/24/17
1 minute

Switching over from KABAM, and can not login to my old havens.

I came over from the KABAM server shut down, we were told there would be no problem getting our old havens back and could pick up where we left off, I verified my e-mail and got my comfirmatiom, but already having a game started here has seemed to mess up that transfer for me. Is there any way to reclaim them?
Feb 24, 2017, 22:2902/24/17
Aren't you only supposed to have one haven???
Feb 24, 2017, 22:3802/24/17
Feb 24, 2017, 22:39(edited)

tabo1705 said:

I came over from the KABAM server shut down, we were told there would be no problem getting our old havens back and could pick up where we left off, I verified my e-mail and got my comfirmatiom, but already having a game started here has seemed to mess up that transfer for me. Is there any way to reclaim them?

Our (Kabamians') havens are not on "The Golden Coast". "The Pirate Bay", that we're used to, is the original map of the Plarium platform.

If that's not the source of your problems, please contact the Support.

@Darth Righteous: yes, one haven per map. That's why we got a separate map. We were not merged with yours, don't worry.
Feb 24, 2017, 22:5102/24/17
1 minute
Thank you Crowbar, I will try the link and cross my toes.
Feb 25, 2017, 13:2702/25/17
1 minute

Crowbar, I got a response from Oksana, and followed her instructions to the point of logging in, my (new) email and/or password are still being rejected, and I can only log in to the three havens I have here prior to the shut down of KABAM. any thing else we can do?

Feb 25, 2017, 16:3602/25/17

tabo1705 said:

Crowbar, I got a response from Oksana, and followed her instructions to the point of logging in, my (new) email and/or password are still being rejected, and I can only log in to the three havens I have here prior to the shut down of KABAM. any thing else we can do?

What three havens? I think that Plarium had only one map before we got here. There are three maps now, and one of them should contain your Kabam haven (actually, two of them I think). Go to "The Golden Coast". Your name was probably changed, but everything else should be fine.

If you really can't get to your haven on any of the maps ("servers", as Plarium likes to call them), reply to the ticket (each e-mail has a "reply" button or something similar), explain where you got stuck and ask them to fix it. Unfortunately, we here have no way of doing anything but giving advice, which in this case is almost always "contact the Support".
Mar 2, 2017, 15:0103/02/17
1 minute
I took THREE (3) email addresses to get it to take, but YES, I am home at me haven again. Thank you for the replies and patience in helping to get back on.
Mar 3, 2017, 23:2603/03/17
Lost my two havens, one on Pirate Bay, one on Golden Coast.  Ended up with a Level 1 & a Level 11 (from Level 90 & 91).  Also, my ID was changed from jmkel33 to Jack33 with a profile that is not me.  What now?
Mar 3, 2017, 23:5903/03/17

Jack33 said:

Lost my two havens, one on Pirate Bay, one on Golden Coast.  Ended up with a Level 1 & a Level 11 (from Level 90 & 91).  Also, my ID was changed from jmkel33 to Jack33 with a profile that is not me.  What now?

The support.

Level 1 is probably due to you being on the wrong map (see here: Kabam's Pirate Bay and Golden Coast are now Golden Coast and Sirens' Strait, respectively). However, that doesn't explain level 11 and I have no idea how you could get connected to the wrong account.

Mar 4, 2017, 03:1203/04/17
Mar 6, 2017, 07:58(edited)
Tried all three servers !!  Probably because your IT geniuses fxxxxd things up totally.  Bad enough they screwed up the havens along with 2 years & untold dollars, but they stole my identity to really stick it to me.  Thanks a lot.
Mar 5, 2017, 15:2503/05/17

Jack33 said:

Tried all three servers - all crap!!  Probably because your IT geniuses fxxxxd things up totally.  Bad enough they screwed up the havens along with 2 years & untold dollars, but they stole my identity to really stick it to me.  Thanks a lot.

You should not visit the new servers until your kabam account has been successfully transferred, especially if you are trying to use the same email address. All you will do is create new level one havens which can no longer be deleted.

No idea why they deleted the account deletion option, seems a bit ironic

My advice is to keep going back to kabam and using NEW email address. If you read Tabo's posts you will see that is the only option and it could take 3 or 4 attempts

Mar 6, 2017, 12:3803/06/17

I know several players are still having issues moving their accounts and I do agree with STILETTO that you should not attempt to play until the issues are resolved and continue to hound support.  I've heard that the players that have been have trouble with the move are starting to trickel in so they are working on the issues, just continue to work with support and keep a fire lit under their butt.  Also please try to understand that this transfer was thrown on everyone with little or no warning and was going to have some glitches.  good luck.