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Tired Of The Message Need To Upgrade Flash Player on IE

Tired Of The Message Need To Upgrade Flash Player on IE

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Nov 10, 2016, 09:1711/10/16

Tired Of The Message Need To Upgrade Flash Player on IE

I want to use IE.. I don't want..  any of the other browsers they have as many if not more tracking programs on them as IE has.. 

I am running win 10..  (IT HAS FLASH PLAYER BUILT INTO IT).   I prefer IE.. over all other browsers.   do not have to click on add-ons every day to remove all the tracking BS the others toss in for using their supposedly free browser. it is not free.. if it is logging your every move by upteen different spies built into it..  jmo..jmv

Please fix. this.   no reason to keep running into  update Flash Player. and if you are stupid enough to update it.. you get all of that other junk  with it too..      totally wrong to allow such an update on your site.   with that junk update of Flash Player. you should be making more than enough money off of the players. without allowing that Full of Junk Flash Player to popup ..

Please Fix your game to work with IE..   and Windows 10.. that has built in Flash Player already..   that is not asking too much is it?

I did the making sure. that flash player is turned on. .in internet options.  add-ons..

I did the making sure that Active X is turned off in internet options.  Safety..  ..  

just tired of spending upteen tries.. before .. it actually logs on..   correctly to get that Update Flash Player message top right corner.  Please Fix this..  
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Nov 10, 2016, 11:3311/10/16
Hi! Unfortunately, we don't have any power over your Flash player plugin. And it's not built in Windows the way you think. As you're using an Internet browser, not standard video player, you need to update your Flash player manually. By the way, Chrome does this automatically.
Nov 10, 2016, 19:4711/10/16

Windows clearly says  flash player is part of win 10..

Sounds like coder team needs to work with windows to make it work better..   

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Nov 11, 2016, 12:4311/11/16
Nov 11, 2016, 12:44(edited)
ftausergirl said:

Windows clearly says  flash player is part of win 10..

Sounds like coder team needs to work with windows to make it work better..   

You can play flash games that are installed on your windows with this pplayer. But you will need another player for browser. They are not related.
Nov 13, 2016, 14:4511/13/16
Nov 13, 2016, 14:47(edited)

Even Adobe Flash Player says.    it is integrated into Win10.   

So. once again..

I am not a tech..   it is not my job nor my responsibility to. . make it work.. that is between

The Plarium coder Team.. Windows.. and Adobe..   Not Me!!!!

Get the Team to work with.   Windows and Adobe to fix that message does not pop up.  claiming you need Flash Player.. when you already have it.. but as long as that message pops up you can not load the game..   

I follow the steps to make it work   from adobe.      add-ons make sure flash player is turned on..

then go to safety and  turn off  Active X..      even then at times you still get the stupid message claiming you need to install flash player that. .when you go to Adobe and check it says it is installed..    GRRRRRRR.. lol

Jan 25, 2017, 07:2801/25/17

I see.. no one  has replied to this..    and Still no fix..  on the issues of the flash player message..   

Should not have to run. with  Active X turned off.. that forces you to have to lots of rebooting the game. and then you have to waste all that time  rebooting.. and then clicking on all of the adds  too..  just to get back to play the game..

Is the coder team ever going to fix  the issues with Win 10 and IE ?

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jan 25, 2017, 09:5401/25/17
txsgent said:

I see.. no one  has replied to this..    and Still no fix..  on the issues of the flash player message..   

Should not have to run. with  Active X turned off.. that forces you to have to lots of rebooting the game. and then you have to waste all that time  rebooting.. and then clicking on all of the adds  too..  just to get back to play the game..

Is the coder team ever going to fix  the issues with Win 10 and IE ?

Unfortunately, we can't help you with your Flash player issues. Check if your Flash Player is updated to the latest version, enable Flash plugin in your browser settings, and if it's still not working, try another browser.
Jan 25, 2017, 10:1601/25/17

txsgent said:

I prefer IE.. over all other browsers.

I prefer something else, not IE, but also not Chrome which seems to be the best for this game. So, I started using Chrome just for the game, and my browser of choice for everything else. In my experience, this is a good choice. Not only the game runs smoother, but restarting the browser doesn't disrupt my many not-game-related open tabs. And the supposed spying by Chrome really shouldn't be an issue if you're using it only for a silly on-line game. :-)

Jan 25, 2017, 17:4501/25/17

Crowbar said:

txsgent said:

I prefer IE.. over all other browsers.

I prefer something else, not IE, but also not Chrome which seems to be the best for this game. So, I started using Chrome just for the game, and my browser of choice for everything else. In my experience, this is a good choice. Not only the game runs smoother, but restarting the browser doesn't disrupt my many not-game-related open tabs. And the supposed spying by Chrome really shouldn't be an issue if you're using it only for a silly on-line game. :-)

He wants to use IE, which is defunct, even with microsoft but whatever...

What I do is use three browsers, each with their own task. I use Chrome in here.

For the uninformed, be sure to only DL it from google and on occasion, Chrome will be corrupted so users need to know how to remove it and reinstall it.

A clean Chrome will show 4 plugins, type in the address box  about://plugins and disable all but Flash. Next check more tools/extensions, there should be none. Finally, I clear history almost daily, only checking boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 Doing this will also clear flash LSOs so I have no need to go into the flash control panel.

Opera is to stream movies and other stuff I watch or listen to online.

Firefox is my secure browser. Nuff said re that. :)

It is common for me to run Chrome and Opera together while FF runs alone, and always in a secure enviourment.