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Bug Issue Finishing a Prize Safe Haven 125

Bug Issue Finishing a Prize Safe Haven 125

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Jan 10, 2020, 03:0801/10/20

Bug Issue Finishing a Prize Safe Haven 125

The platform you play on , (

The server where you play (e.g. The Pirate Bay)

The feature that causes the issue (Finishing a prize, level 125.);

The exact steps you performed before the bug arose;   I had done the first send to bring the amounts down, I did a 2nd send of 1336 subs and then I sent 3k subs to finish the prize off and I clicked send, the game froze, so I had to refresh the game, and  when I got back into the game and got the report back,  the game had pulled every unit I had in my haven and sent to the prize. This was a defensive prize and the game pulled all my offensive ships and all the offensive pirates, mercenaries, every offensive unit I had. I only sent 3000 subs, how did this happen??? I have spent 150 rubies trying to buy back what I lost that shouldn't have been included but somehow when the game froze, this error occured but I can't possibly buy back all my units, and I shouldn't have to since this is a game bug. It wasn't my fault, I only sent what I needed to finish the prize. This was about the 4th or 5th prize I had done and I was just about through when the game froze.

Any special conditions that caused the bug to appear   The game FROZE...  I lost 95k rubies trying to buy back my ships, and only got a portion back, but I shouldn't have had to buy them back in the first place, and I need to get what I lost back. I also purchased 2 more ruby packages to bring my ruby levels back up. I didn't do this, the game did it when it froze. I noticed the game had been glitchy but I didn't pay much attention to it, because it's like that most of the time.

What should have happened;   I should have finished off this level 125 prize with the 3k subs and been done with it. The game shouldn't have pulled all my units into this prize.

What actually happened.
I was trying to finish a level 125 Safe Haven, I had sent the first set to bring down the numbers, and I sent the 2nd lot or 3k subs to finish when the game froze, I had to refresh and when I got back into the game, the report showed the game brought in every unit I had, 5 years worth of spending, training, buying, this bug took it all from me. I shouldn't have had to spend the 100k rubies to buy back what I did, and I also purchased a $99.00 package and another 49.50 package to get my ruby balance up. Please fix this before my units disappear from the infirmary. I don't know how this happened but it did. This BUG cost me everything.  How does a game do something like this. I chose 3k subs and clicked send the game  takes every unit in my haven when it froze. This was the 5th prize I had done, the game had been glitchy but I paid no attention to it until it froze.  My Offensive units should have never been thrown into this prize

Last part, 3rd part where I sent the 3k subs and the game picked up all my ships and pirates

The 2nd part of the prize I did sent 1336 subs                    

The first part of the prize, sent 1081 Gunboats.

Jan 10, 2020, 11:4401/10/20

Do you really think that this huge font makes it easier to read or somehow more attractive for The Support to try to help you? 

I'll notify them, but this feels like a problem on your side (I'm not saying it was caused by you; it could be the game client), and I'm not sure they'll be able to confirm it. I'll let you know what they said if they don't reply here.

Jan 12, 2020, 01:0401/12/20
This isn't the first time I've had things like this happen in the game, that it just takes it upon itself to do. Sometimes this game has a mind of it's own. It does things that we don't instruct it to do.  Like I secure all my units in my harbor and come in a couple of hours later to find all my units out of my harbor just sitting out in the waters. This happens all the time. So much so that I have caught myself checking them every 30 minutes or so to make sure they are secure. But there are always glitches. It's not the first time I've seen this issue with prizes happen before, I've had friends that this happened to before. I've seen units just go missing never to be seen again. Many unusual bugs in the game, that we just ignore.  I don't report every bug or glitch I find, especially when I am not out anything but this cost me so far $300.00 buying 3 more ruby packages, the loss of units that I still can't buy back, the 120k rubies I lost buying back the units lost, but like I said when the game caused a loss like this, I shouldn't have to buy them back, therefore I shouldn't have to spend the extra money to buy more packages.. This is 5 years worth of spending money for ruby packages with units, training units.  This is a loss that hurt me bad, I can tolerate the bugs/glitches that don't cost me anything, but this is a loss that hurts bad, and I shouldn't have to pay for. It's a loss that the game cost me big time. Internal problems.