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Can't add friends or receive friends requests anymoreCan't add friends or receive friends requests anymore

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Can't add friends or receive friends requests anymore

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Dec 19, 2024, 12:2412/19/24

Can't add friends or receive friends requests anymore

Hi Pirates,

I currently have 39 in-game friends. 

Whenever I press on the "add to friends list" button on a haven, the corresponding captain doesn't get my request. 

The same happens if other captains try to send me a friends request, it just doesn't appear in the Plarium Play app as it used to. 

This has gone on for quite  a few weeks now. 

I have created a support ticket and the initial answer was that friends can only be added from the Plarium Play app (as opposed as in game)... nonsense as you all know. 

Anyone else experiencing this problem or suggestions to solve it?

Dec 20, 2024, 00:2412/20/24

Just to cover all our bases here, did you try from the app?

They have recently broken the in-game Support button. This might be related.

Dec 23, 2024, 18:2412/23/24
Dec 23, 2024, 18:24(edited)

Hi Crowbar, 

I did try from the app. It works to some extent: you have to type the nickname of the player you want to befriend AND be able to visually identify his avatar in case you get several suggestions. 

In my case, my BH leader's name is Victoria - Plarium Play proposed a list of players using that name, but none were the correct one and there seems to be no way to see additional suggestions. 

Not sure about this being related to the in-game support button.

In any case, Plarium support has stopped answering on that particular ticket for the time being. 

Dec 25, 2024, 09:2412/25/24

I have a similar, if not identical, problem with FRs. I looked at the notifications settings and saw that there are many switches for Plarium when there should only be one. Can't find out how to delete these. After uninstalling the app the switches remain. I wonder if this is part of the problem.


Dec 26, 2024, 09:0912/26/24

Thank you both. As you can imagine, it'll take a bit of time for me to reach my contact during this period. I'll get back to you when I have something.

@Yellow Submarine, this is the same problem that the forum has had for years. I remember analysing it and telling them how to fix it, and it's still broken. That's why I couldn't tag you here.

Mind telling me your ticket number? It may provide my contact with additional info.

Dec 31, 2024, 14:4012/31/24

Hello Crowbar,

My ticket number is 6071952.

They came back to me insisting that the only way to make friends in the game is directly through Plarium Play. 

I replied sugggesting they actually read my question *sigh*.

I take this opportunity to send you my best wishes for a happy and fun New Year. 

Dec 31, 2024, 21:0612/31/24

Thank you. I too wish you a healthy and happy new year, with many friends made through the game (not the app). 😉

P.S. Thanks for the ticket number. I've passed it on.

Jan 6, 2025, 18:3801/06/25

Hi Guys, 

Just received the following from Plarium Support, who insist friends requests should be made in the Plarium Play app (translated from French):


Thanks for your reply.

We recommend searching for friends using Plarium IDs. You can find them by clicking on their profile picture in Plarium Play.

Try asking your friend for their Plarium ID and then try searching for them in the ‘Friends’ tab.

 Best regards,


Player Support Team

I guess the "add friend" function does'nt work for some reason and Plarium just decided not to fix it. Imagine joining a new BH and asking all 150+ members for their Plarium ID? 

Ridiculous. 👎

Jan 6, 2025, 21:4101/06/25

I agree that it is ridiculous, but I'm not sure about the "they've decided not to fix it" part. I was told that I'll be notified about a fix, and - if that does happen - I'll post here.