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Crew stationed on Presidio disappeared

Crew stationed on Presidio disappeared

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Jan 27, 2019, 12:4801/27/19

Crew stationed on Presidio disappeared

I have 155K+ crew unaccounted for from Presidio 279. Where did they go? They were not recalled. I've sent crew afterwards thinking they would re-appear but they have not.

Can I please have my missing crew back? This was a large defense which has gone missing, but show in lead in. Thank you.

Jan 27, 2019, 13:0001/27/19
Jan 27, 2019, 14:25(edited)

Is it possible they were accidentlly sent to another persidio, I've done this b4 both in reinforcement and attacking, very embarrassing believe me. If you know you sent them to the correct persidio, then one maybe the bh you took them from recaptured it, in which case they would have auto returned. Please specify which platform (Plarium/FB) and server (The Pirate Bay/The Golden Coast/Sirens' Strait) you're playing on, and at which coordinates. Good luck and pleasant sailing. Oh and next time blot out the strength and persidio number when you post it, people see that and are going to be all over your persidio, very weakly defended atm.

Jan 27, 2019, 16:4601/27/19
Jan 28, 2019, 17:14(edited)

One thing I've learned in this game.  If people want to  take out something for points or other motivations they will and it doesn't matter how much you pile in it.  Sometimes the more you load in the more they want to hit it.  It be my Presidio atm.  We aren't the biggest group in the tides but we do have our fun both in peace and war time. 

 We have held it for some months so I can rule out the captured and retaken scenario.

I also looked through the individual garrisons each member has at the P.  I do not see those numbers on anyone's garrisons.

lastly I checked the troop movements section back until 22-01-2019 where it cuts off.  I don't see those numbers sent in any of them.  What day did you send them?  Did you send them all at once?  Did they just disappear overnight and you had them piled in over time?

Are you sure you didn't recall them to your haven?  As ElDevilDog stated they auto-harbor when returning.

Did you also look under the "My Garrison's" tab in your stronghold?  There should be a Presidio reinforcement under there and you can send/recall from there if you find them showing up.

Jan 27, 2019, 17:5501/27/19

Keel D. Haul said:

We have held it for some months so I can rule out the captured and retaken scenario.

How did you conclude that this is happening on s2?
Jan 27, 2019, 18:0101/27/19
Jan 27, 2019, 18:12(edited)

The coordinates.

It might not be.  I guess I assumed a bit given the info presented and don't think about the other servers so much.  I did send out a bh message to find out.

I did just realize we are looking at two different screenshot uploads.

the first image is the Presidio garrison header showing the person's individual troop count at the P. 

 (I don't see any of my members with this number of troops in the garrison maybe it isn't our P)

The second is a Garrison tab just showing Defense troops.  Not sure where this garrison tab comes from.  It is definitely not the numbers that are showing at the garrisons tab in the first picture.

Jan 28, 2019, 19:1001/28/19

Keel D. Haul said:

The coordinates.

There is a fairly simple formula / algorithm that converts Presidio's number to coordinates, making their positions fixed on all maps (and probably on all Plarium games).