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Extra 10 Raids Bug

Extra 10 Raids Bug

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Jan 20, 2019, 14:5001/20/19

Extra 10 Raids Bug

There Is a bug that has existed for some time in the game that many have heard of but which has not altered the balance of gameplay so may not have been reported (I can't find a report of it anyway).

This bug gives a player an additional 10 raids for no apparent reason. I do not know why, but they suddenly appear. This week in the top 10 raids it appears that the outcome has been manipulated by use of this bug within the last 24 hours by the top 2 players who each would have had to use this bug multiple times to achieve their current rankings.

Here is a screenshot of the rankings approximately 13 hours ago (provided by a friend)
Here is the screenshot of the rankings today.

While I recognize there is some volatility in rankings, terrible 10 raiding is more predictable than most Terrible 10 tournaments because raids are awarded equally across the board on a time based system (10 raids per day on a typical day). Functionally, winning raids terrible 10 is done on the first day of the tournament and then continuing (not messing up) the advantage from day 1.

The fact that two players both got +10 raids twice in a 24 hour period indicates players have figured out how to manipulate this bug and do it repeatedly and intentionally. Given that, priority should be given to fixing this bug.

Jan 20, 2019, 15:2801/20/19

Since I posted this a 3rd player has gotten more raids than would be possible according to the intended implementation of the game where 10 raids are given to each player daily.

Compare those rankings to those posted above (less than 2 hours old).  

Again, this appears to be intentional implementation of the bug to the detriment of all players (compare the new screenshot in this post to the screenshot of "the rankings today" in the post above)

Jan 21, 2019, 15:1001/21/19

Still no update from Plarium on the bug, but today, less than 12 hours into the raiding tournament we have another cheater (likely an alt of one of the winners from last week since they're both upper ranked members of the Ocean Knights).  With less than 9 hours into the weekly tournament we have a player with 7.5 Million raid points (not mathematically possible).

Jan 21, 2019, 17:0101/21/19
Jan 21, 2019, 17:24(edited)
Luka, I've forwarded your issue to our support agents.  Hopefully we can get you a proper reply.
Jan 29, 2019, 00:2701/29/19
Thanks John, I never heard back.  Are they still working on this one?
Agent HelgaTechnical Support
Jan 29, 2019, 16:0601/29/19


We could not find any bug that would lead to the abuse of this rating.

If you think there is a bug, please specify the exact steps to reproduce it. 

Also, note that there are special mechanics that allow getting more raid attempts. Join the Game discussion thread for more information.

Jan 30, 2019, 00:0101/30/19
Other than events that allow each player an additional 20 raid attempts from time to time, what other "special mechanics" are you referring to. Please enlighten us here.
Feb 15, 2019, 00:2302/15/19

I know I can't tell you what the bug is. However, I don't have to know how to use the bug in order to show you that there must be one. I think I did that in the two posts above pretty clearly. However here is a 3rd try at leading Plarium to the correct conclusion that there is a bug and at LEAST one player is using it intentionally (because he used it both last time and this time).

Here is a screenshot of the rankings at 6:20PM US Central time on Tuesday (20 minutes after the +30 started).

Here is a screenshot of the rankings today (Thursday at 5:40 PM)

It is not mathematically possible for a player who is not using a bug to get more than 60 raids in this time frame (Assumes 10 raids were in hand before the screenshot + 30 additional raids from the plus 30 + 20 new raids generated in the almost 24 hours). That 60 is highly unlikely but is the limit of what is possible. Since this +30 happened in the middle of the week, there is no possibility of people carrying in raids from the previous week and confusing the issue.

Again, I can't tell you how it happened but I know who can. Laphroaig has benefited both of the last two times and I'm told he's abused this bug before. I'm not in a position to dictate anything but I am in a position to suggest. I do notice that plarium has a published policy on intentionally using bugs which has a wide variety of punishments (see #3 in this screen shot)

I bet anyone who knows how to use this bug will be completely unmotivated to reveal the details freely. However, if faced with a long suspension and the opportunity to reduce that sentence to say 30 days (or whatever number suits the folks who decide these things), I bet that would motivate him to provide details how the bug is manipulated. Given the strong evidence of bug usage and how it negatively impacts other players, it seems consistent with what I have observed Plarium do in other situations.

Thank you for your time & consideration

Feb 15, 2019, 04:5502/15/19
Sorry Luka, but I'm betting that you will never get an answer to this question from them. Plarium seems to encourage all forms of "cheating" in their games by ignoring concerns as you expressed here. (I'd like to know also). I guess true pirates have always been rewarded by not playing by the rules.
Feb 15, 2019, 18:2802/15/19

It's not cheating. It's a legit trick. However, when I was told of it (by another player), I promised I won't pass it on and I am keeping the promise. But I can assure you that it's well within normal game play and not at all cheating. I can also tell you that it's a bit tedious (because of that, I never used it myself).

Feb 16, 2019, 18:0102/16/19

Crowbar, if you're referring to the recall method that's not what is in play here.  We've had lengthy ways to try to make this work on our multi bh discord channel.  Here is the short version.  That cannot work when a +xx raids is in effect.  That is because the game tracks +xx raids on top of the normal counter to get to 10.  In order to get raids to increment (be added to your total) you have to spend the +xx before it digs into your normal 10. The recall method is only beneficial if you can use it to move raids from one week into another by spending raids from Saturday (as an example) that you can get to land in the next raiding week.  Instead this is what you get (a graphic swiped from our discord -- thanks mates)

Feb 16, 2019, 18:1002/16/19

What's stopping you from using extra raids and then recall+resend the already running raids (or just finally let them hit)? You could also do 40 raids and then recall them and resend them in chunks of 10. Either way, I don't see how +30 raids makes it impossible to use the method. In theory, +xx or not, you can send as many raids in that one chosen week as you want.

Feb 16, 2019, 19:0102/16/19

This event happened on Tuesday... all the recalls from the previous week had already landed.  That's the first link I posted in that message. This link happened 1 day and 17 hours after the week started (1:00 AM Sunday US Central time for week change and the link is from 6:20 PM Tuesday.  It shows the "starting point".

I posted another link from a little less than 48 hours later (after everyone had used their +30, the maximum of 10 they might have had in hand when the screenshot was taken, and the 20 raids that would have regenerated in that 48 hour period (assuming they had zero in hand when the second link was taken.

Unless there is a bug (which most people agree there is) no player could have gained more than 6M between these two screenshots.  That means we're not looking at the recall method.

I've received feedback from one user who got the extra raids and we've talked a bit about how it happened.  It's clear to me it happened without him knowing how he triggered it.  That strongly implies whatever is happening isn't "tedious" 


To believe otherwise would, apparently be to believe that when Plarium advertises a +30 what they really mean somewhere in the fine print (I need to find that) is +30 for some, a lot more for anyone who knows how to manipulate their software.  I don't subscribe to those consipiracy theories (but I"ve heard a bunch since starting this thread).  

I smell a Russian (they have a few internet security specialists on their team don't they?)  I wonder if Ocean Knights has any spies in their ranks?

Feb 16, 2019, 19:3802/16/19

Luka said:

Unless there is a bug (which most people agree there is) no player could have gained more than 6M between these two screenshots.

I don't understand: why do you think that 6M is a maximum? I see no reason for there to even be a maximum.

I'm not saying that this is what happened, but I am saying that it's possible.

Luka said:

I've received feedback from one user who got the extra raids and we've talked a bit about how it happened. It's clear to me it happened without him knowing how he triggered it. That strongly implies whatever is happening isn't "tedious"
To believe otherwise would, apparently be to believe that when Plarium advertises a +30 what they really mean somewhere in the fine print (I need to find that) is +30 for some, a lot more for anyone who knows how to manipulate their software. I don't subscribe to those consipiracy theories (but I"ve heard a bunch since starting this thread).

IMO, it's always possible that there is a bug. I did report this topic, but you saw what their response is. I cannot do anything more than that.

Feb 16, 2019, 19:5202/16/19

Talking to the one player who received the raids accidentally.  He indicates it is a bug.  He did not use the recall method or any other logical -- within the rules of the game -- way to increase his raids).

I'm give players who do it once, the benefit of the doubt to some degree.  Players who show a repeating trend (so far we have 1) of activating the bug every time, do so with intent.