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Missing production from upgrades

Missing production from upgrades

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Jan 5, 2019, 01:5201/05/19

Missing production from upgrades

There is an issue with the building bonus upgrade no change or increase at all with upgrading the Gold Mines 3 x checked no increase at all. 26 to 27 x2 or any change with 27 to 28. Did not check when doing the Wood but all at 30 lvl can not test those.

Want to post before and after screenshot but do not want to give my numbers since some Mods are in BH we are enemies with. How to get issues fixed under these conditions?

Jan 5, 2019, 09:2501/05/19

I am not exactly sure how would seeing your production numbers help me.

Did you check after the fact? IMO, give it a few hours and then check again (everything is slow in this game) and also check after the reload and again after the reset (some stuff changes on loads/resets; I don't know if the production is among those things).

You could also try to compute the production yourself and see if it matches, although, computing with bonuses is quite tricky. If you want to go that route, I can provide some hints (I tried to figure out the formula a few years ago; no idea if it still holds).

I myself am not as much of a builder as you are, so I cannot check this myself.

Jan 5, 2019, 12:5001/05/19


I will explain a little better when upgrading the gold mine from 26 to 27 there should be a defensive troop value and an offense troop value increase of 2 %. I understand that the game calculates these numbers. The last three times I upgraded the gold mines the offense and defense values never changed. There should have been at least a minimal change depending upon how the game calculates. There was no increase to the individual offensive value or the defense value.

Am I correct that there should have been an increase in the overall offensive and defensive value? As stated in the bonus section there should be an increase of 2% offense 2% defense. Upgrading the levels should have shown some increase in the overall offense and defense numbers. Is it correct for example if a buccaneer is worth 60 plus the percentage next to it as it shows in the particulars that as you upgrade the gold mines or the wood levels 25 to 29 this percentage should increase by 2%, would this be a correct assumption? If the example is correct you would see the value of the buccaneer increase. Example buccaneer worth 127 when looking in the recall report should have increased at least to 127.5 just an example not accurate calculation.

When I did the first two upgrades it was in the morning when I saw no change, I waited for reset to check again but there was still no change in the values. I then took screenshots of the before and after and did another upgrade to verify no change. I believe you and I have history in the game showing my numbers of overall offense and defense in a screen shot would not be wise since in the game we are at odds. Total upgrades three gold mines at different levels all above 26, 6% offense and 6% defense total bonus, some change should have happened in my case when comparing screenshots, no change happened to the overall value of the offense or defense and no change happened to the individual troop numbers.

Thank you for time,


Jan 5, 2019, 13:5701/05/19

We may have some history in the game, but I don't remember much. Our BHs certainly are enemies after what was probably the worst divorce in this game, or at least on our map. 

Anyway, I thought you were talking about production, not units strength. It makes every sense to keep your overall or even individual units' strength hidden, regardless of mods' affiliation, because the mods are not the only ones reading forum posts... I hope. 

Now, your problem... I think you misunderstood this:

The "2%" is not the bonus increase compared to the previous level, as you think (if I understood you right). Instead, it is the total bonus.

In other words, level 25 gives 2% bonus, level 26 gives 2% bonus (not 4%), level 27 also gives the same (not 6%), etc. This is the same as production: level 26 gives 1000 p/h, not "whatever level 25 gives plus 1000 p/h".

So, at level 30, you will have only 5% bonus, not 15% (which would be 2+2+2+2+2+5).

I hope this makes sense and answers your question.

Jan 5, 2019, 15:0801/05/19

You are stating there would not be an increase to the total troop value for each upgrade, If I understand you correctly each upgrade would only change the p/h not the offense value of the troop only when you upgrade from Lvl 24 to Lvl 25 would you see a 2 % increase on the offense.

I was thinking in the mindset of discovery upgrades as the troop value increases with each upgrade given the cost to upgrade.

Going from 25 to 29 would only increase the p/h, a 3% increase O/D on Lvl 30 from the ongoing 2%.

Not worth the etching cost for 100 p/h for each Lvl.

Thank you for the explanation.

Thank you for the info,


Jan 5, 2019, 15:1201/05/19


I agree with your statement on the worst divorce on this map. 

But it also makes for a great time killer.

Jan 5, 2019, 16:2701/05/19

Johnny Rotten said:

You are stating there would not be an increase to the total troop value for each upgrade, If I understand you correctly each upgrade would only change the p/h not the offense value of the troop only when you upgrade from Lvl 24 to Lvl 25 would you see a 2 % increase on the offense.


Johnny Rotten said:

I was thinking in the mindset of discovery upgrades as the troop value increases with each upgrade given the cost to upgrade.

That sounds too generous for Plarium. 

Johnny Rotten said:

Going from 25 to 29 would only increase the p/h, a 3% increase O/D on Lvl 30 from the ongoing 2%.
Not worth the etching cost for 100 p/h for each Lvl.

Depends on the strength of your army, I guess. Measly percents are useless on low numbers, but if your army is big and you combine other bonuses, I'm guessing - I didn't check! - these can become considerable.

It is more than 100 p/h, because boosts get added to this as well, but yes, still quite poor. And, in all honesty, high production at these levels becomes a problem, with training queues growing (thus slowing your game client) unless you keep boosting (which is costly and cannot be done once your rum drops under -100k/h).

Personally, I upgrade, but without boosting. That makes etchings investments rare, so the price gets lost(ish).

Johnny Rotten said:

Thank you for the explanation.
Thank you for the info,

Happy to help.