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Territories tab only works once

Territories tab only works once

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Sep 11, 2018, 08:1909/11/18

Territories tab only works once

For some time now, it has only been possible to use the "territories" tab under Pirate Stronghold once per game start. While this doesn't make it much worse using the game, given how often it crashes, it is an increasing irritation. So if you could fix that, and make the game so that it doesn't crash so often, ( say less than once an hour ) that would be an improvement. thanks.

PS the process of finding out how to create a bug report is extremely convoluted.   I'm sure you don't want to hear about the problems.

I play on Pirates Pirate bay server.

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Sep 11, 2018, 09:2109/11/18

Hello, Captain!

This situation has already been reported to our devs. It will be fixed in the future updates. Thank you for your report and cooperation!

To learn how to report bugs, please refer to this topic
Sep 11, 2018, 19:1509/11/18

jennysu7an2 said:

For some time now, it has only been possible to use the "territories" tab under Pirate Stronghold once per game start. While this doesn't make it much worse using the game, given how often it crashes, it is an increasing irritation. So if you could fix that, and make the game so that it doesn't crash so often, ( say less than once an hour ) that would be an improvement. thanks.

A simple workaround that worked for me: click each of the sub-tabs there and it'll likely start working again.