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Bought resources with rubies, on a special discount - and some showed up and some did not!

Bought resources with rubies, on a special discount - and some showed up and some did not!

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Aug 20, 2018, 05:5008/20/18

Bought resources with rubies, on a special discount - and some showed up and some did not!

I play on FB platform, Pirate Bay Server. The feature that caused the failure is this:

There was a discount on buying gold and lumber - so I took advantage and bought 5  -30k loads of gold for 28 rubies, after 5 purchases the price went back to normal so I stopped. I then went to lumber. It was listed the same so I bought 5 - 30k loads of lumber at 28 rubies. 

Both times I saw the 5 purchases show up green below, 1 ata time, as I purchased them - offering me the  "HOIST" option. 

As you can see in pic 1, the purchases are there - but when I went back to lumber, the purchases were gone.

This occurred approximately 1:30am EST.

Can you please help me get back my 90k in lumber, or the 84 rubies I spent?

Thank you!

The haven is at

-464; -610 on Pirate Bay

Here is the 5 loads of gold I purchased 1st:

Here is the 5 loads of lumber I purchased 2nd... it looked identical to the gold until I left this screen - when I went back the 5 30k loads were gone, as you see:

Can you please help?

I am helping out a friend who is very ill at the moment, and every bit helps!

Agent PavelTechnical Support
Aug 21, 2018, 10:3008/21/18

Hello, Captain!

I have checked your account logs. You received a discount for 5 Resource packs. And when you purchased 5 x 30 000 Gold packs, the discount was completely used. The 30 000 Lumber packs were not purchased, the Rubies were not withdrawn.