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Broken pictures in friends bar at bottom of screen in game.

Broken pictures in friends bar at bottom of screen in game.

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Apr 23, 2018, 11:3904/23/18

Broken pictures in friends bar at bottom of screen in game.

Many many of my friends pictures are not showing up in my friends bar. To add to that when i go to their haven and click on their picture to go to their wall... it takes me to MY newsfeed not their wall. These pictures show up fine in chat and on facebook. So it's not a facebook issue.. On facebook I can click their picture and view their wall. Not via PTOF.  These people are crewmates daily players as I am myself. My picture is also gone. I have reviewed my settings they are fine. The pictures went away within the last 2 weeks. You may want to review the code, Someone forgot to write the connection between fb and P. This isn't an issue just in pirates its happening in Stormfall also. I can't tell you about other P games . I don't play any others.  Please get our game fixed. We love playing it! We just want it to work. You know it's broken......
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Apr 24, 2018, 14:2704/24/18

Hello, Captain!

This issue is already discussed in another topic. Here is a link for you

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