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Dominion counter is stuck since the big screw up

Dominion counter is stuck since the big screw up

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Apr 19, 2018, 21:5404/19/18

Dominion counter is stuck since the big screw up

On server 2 (The Golden Coast), we, The Golden Horde are making an effort to reach our final area badge, requiring 25000 Miles2.

We started capturing and upgrading many presidios for this purpose.

Unfortunately since the mayhem lately, our counter seems to be stuck at 22.8 or 22.9 depending on who sees it.

I checked how many presidios we have and what dominion each presidio gives and come to a result of 31050 miles2. 

We have been upgrading many presidios since the mayhem, but fail to see result in the counter. 64 presidios should be plenty as there are 23 lvl 5 and 15 lvl 5+. These alone would account for 28k+ in dominion.

I can forward a list with all presidios with each level and the dominion they each give.

Please solve this issue as it seems impossible to reach the goal the way we are going now.

AndriiTechnical Support
Apr 20, 2018, 14:4604/20/18

Hello, captain! Currently there no verified bugs in the functionality you mentioned. In this topic, you can find the explanation how it works. 

Meanwhile, I'll close this topic.
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