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Loss of units at thge presidio

Loss of units at thge presidio

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Apr 8, 2018, 17:2404/08/18

Loss of units at thge presidio

Following the recent problems on server2, the troops I have on various presidio cannot be accessed. Call one back to the haven, they all leave the presidio and sail to who knows where because I cannot see them, they cannot accept pardons.  Troops that were on the bastion I can see, they are supposed to be there, but the brotherhood stats say I have no units there.  I guess if I try to call them back they will disappear as well.  HELP - I am about to loose all my units that are on the presidio prior to the massive glitch.
Agent PavelTechnical Support
Apr 9, 2018, 09:2204/09/18
Apr 9, 2018, 09:43(edited)

Hello, Captain!

We apologize for the inconveniences caused by this issue. Our developers are informed and are working hard to solve the issues as soon as possible. We appreciate your understanding and patience.

The news will be posted in this thread. I will close this topic. 
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