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My Brotherhood is gone

My Brotherhood is gone

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Apr 7, 2018, 23:1904/07/18

My Brotherhood is gone

Hello, Ethoniel here! I just came back from a tour overseas in the military, and when I logged into my account, the brotherhood I was leader of is gone. I realize that I was inactive, but I was unable to log in to the account while stationed in the Army. It simply wasn't an option. I was the leader of Icy Hand of Death. Can anyone please help me get my brotherhood back? 
Apr 7, 2018, 23:5704/07/18

I don't think so. They introduced "Brotherhood Activity" which basically disbands your BH if fewer than 60% of members are active for more than 2 weeks:

A lot of us complained against this and Plarium listened to our remarks like it always does (yes, our complaints fell on deaf ears).

I hope you get a more useful response from a Plarium representative, but I wouldn't count on it.

P.S. If you're wondering about the "rewards" mentioned in the screenshot above, they are useless. There used to be a few hours prestige activator among them, but they removed it after several weeks.

Apr 9, 2018, 12:3404/09/18
I'll vote yes on the lame idea category.  If me members hadn't called me on the tele while I was on hiatus it might have gone the same way for us.  I passed it off to a senior and some level 55 was in charge by the time I came back.  They offered me the hotseat but diplomacy 'aint me teacup no more and I was happy to let them keep it.
May 3, 2018, 02:5405/03/18
That sucks! Go figure. Thank you for letting me know. 
AndriiTechnical Support
May 3, 2018, 12:2205/03/18

Thank you, gentlemen! 

Meanwhile, I'll close this conversation.

Have a great day!  
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