I recently used 5 rubies to revive a Buccaneer unit from the surgeon. My ruby total was xx,x05. I spent 5 rubies but my total went down 10 rubies. I did not spend 10 rubies. Please credit my account back the additional rubies that I am missing. Thank you.
uid 914930 / pp24022784 / The Golden Coast / segment01
First, what does that have to do with this topic (a promotion of a BH named "Pirates", even if it is without any useful info)?
Second, we cannot do that on the forum. Moderators are regular players and, as such, do not - and indeed should not - have any access to other players' accounts. Our content managers are Plarium employees, but they are more like Public Relations than Support.
To resolve an issue with spending rubies, you need to contact the Support here. Pick "Payment issue" or "Bug report". Only they can see inside your account and modify the amount of rubies that you have.
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