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Lore: Artifact X

Lore: Artifact X

🌄 Many Pilots have voiced concerns about the safety of the Artifact X Arena since it was converted. From strange static hissing on the comms, to random sightings of people dressed in black suits, some people are convinced that darkness lurks in this place. The Mech Arena League were happy to disregard these worries as silly superstitions, until one of their employees was accidentally locked in one of the store rooms. Left undiscovered for two days, she was finally found curled up on the floor, sobbing, whispering to herself - “They know.”


The Artifact X Arena can be found on one the modules of a ruined research vessel - the R.V. Vulcan - near Mars. It was on the Vulcan that early research into the strange power source was performed, until a catastrophic event destroyed the ship and crew. Rosa, who heavily advocated for Artifact X, has always denied it was responsible. Instead, she claimed the ship was sabotaged by the Cult of Asmodeus, who retaliated - ironically - by vandalizing one of her Arenas. There has now been more coverage of their petty squabbles than of the incident itself.


Say what you want about Rosa da Silva - the woman does not go down without a fight. Even when Silva Industries shares plummeted after the R.V. Vulcan disaster, and the board was breaking down her door, she didn’t even blink. While she always denied culpability, she made sure the families of the victims were provided for. Every Tournament that takes place safely in the Artifact X Arena is seen as more proof that something else must have gone wrong. She did not emerge from the scandal unscathed, but what doesn’t kill Rosa certainly makes her stronger.


It has been over a year since the tragic accident involving Artifact X. The Arena it powers has been without incident since that point. It produces enough energy to supply to several nearby colonies and for the most part, people have stopped discussing the potential threat openly. There was, of course, the incident with Morpho and Vox at the Machine Dynamics Facility, but Rosa emphasized she had no ties there. For some people, the Arena represents the progress and risk associated with innovation. For others, it’s a ticking bomb. Only time will tell.


Keep an eye on our social media posts to read more about Mech Arena’s lore. Don’t forget to follow our official Community pages to stay up to speed!

Nov 1, 2024, 15:0711/01/24
Nov 4, 2024, 11:3011/04/24

A crap map, cant even use helix

Nov 4, 2024, 11:3511/04/24

Awesome I can definitely say that I have seen things but it is definitely never when anyone else is near me for some reason like you're not supposed to be running solo kensollo so stay paired up or take your chances 

Nov 4, 2024, 12:2811/04/24

Ineffective maps for long-range players.

Nov 4, 2024, 13:2111/04/24

Ineffective maps for long-range players.

Tell that to my SEVANTS i OWN that map with,,,😎

Nov 4, 2024, 14:5411/04/24
Nov 4, 2024, 14:55(edited)

Guys you ain't joking the only real weapons you can use are close range it gets annoying having all you mech destroyed because you can only use shot 

Nov 4, 2024, 16:1711/04/24

I didn't like the energized walls that would kill you. 

Nov 4, 2024, 19:4511/04/24

all your maps are very nice. those map some call crappy. Is just a better chalinge

Nov 4, 2024, 22:5011/04/24

maps that require you to think about your mech/weapon choices are better than all of them having semular requirements .thats boring

Nov 4, 2024, 23:1311/04/24

Exci about the many prospects of, "up close and personal," confrontations with other players.

Nov 5, 2024, 01:1211/05/24

Looking forward to fighting in the new map!

Nov 5, 2024, 01:5611/05/24
Nov 5, 2024, 01:57(edited)

I just so happen to appreciate ArtifactX. Death by up close and personal. The truth of skills revealed. ZION-9

Nov 5, 2024, 03:0511/05/24

No matter my pod guns work everywhere. I can chew through the greatest mechs with ease. 

Want some,  get some!! Bad enough take some!!

Nov 5, 2024, 13:5911/05/24

A crap map, cant even use helix

Definitely a challenge. Can only use them at the center. But I only have one mech armed with Helix, so I can manage.

Nov 6, 2024, 00:4311/06/24

Who cares? You fucking rats ruined the game with mods.  I've quit all Plarium games and wont ever play another one again.  

Nov 6, 2024, 06:2511/06/24

Who cares? You fucking rats ruined the game with mods.  I've quit all Plarium games and wont ever play another one again.  

Bro, I get it. Mods definitely changed the balance, most often not for the better. But the real game breakers were mechs like: Eclipse , Seaker and Surge. Mods made already cheating mechs even stronger. From my observations, I can say that the game has become more interesting in two years. But what personally irritates me is how often new mechs and weapons are added. Because of this, the chance of getting the necessary blueprint decreases.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Nov 6, 2024, 16:0811/06/24

Thanks for your comments, guys! We will take your feedback into account 👌

Nov 6, 2024, 19:3411/06/24

ai pra quem é br e nao sabe ler ingles toma !!

🌄 Muitos pilotos expressaram preocupações sobre a segurança da Arena Artifact X desde que ela foi convertida. Desde estranhos assobios estáticos nas comunicações até avistamentos aleatórios de pessoas vestidas com ternos pretos, algumas pessoas estão convencidas de que a escuridão espreita neste lugar. A Liga da Arena Mecha ficou feliz em desconsiderar essas preocupações como superstições tolas, até que um de seus funcionários foi acidentalmente trancado em um dos depósitos. Deixada sem ser descoberta por dois dias, ela foi finalmente encontrada enrolada no chão, soluçando, sussurrando para si mesma: “Eles sabem”.

A Arena Artifact X pode ser encontrada em um dos módulos de um navio de pesquisa em ruínas - o R.V. Vulcano - perto de Marte. Foi no Vulcan que foram realizadas as primeiras pesquisas sobre a estranha fonte de energia, até que um evento catastrófico destruiu a nave e a tripulação. Rosa, que defendeu fortemente o Artefato X, sempre negou que fosse o responsável. Em vez disso, ela alegou que a nave foi sabotada pelo Culto de Asmodeus, que retaliou – ironicamente – vandalizando uma de suas Arenas. Houve agora mais cobertura das suas disputas mesquinhas do que do incidente em si.

Digam o que quiserem de Rosa da Silva – a mulher não cai sem lutar. Mesmo quando as ações da Silva Industries despencaram após o R.V. Desastre vulcano, e a tábua estava arrombando sua porta, ela nem piscou. Embora ela sempre tenha negado a culpa, ela garantiu que as famílias das vítimas fossem sustentadas. Cada torneio que acontece com segurança na Arena Artifact X é visto como mais uma prova de que algo deve ter dado errado. Ela não saiu ilesa do escândalo, mas o que não mata Rosa certamente a fortalece.

Já se passou mais de um ano desde o trágico acidente envolvendo o Artefato X. A Arena que ele alimenta não tem incidentes desde então. Produz energia suficiente para abastecer várias colónias próximas e, na maior parte, as pessoas pararam de discutir abertamente a ameaça potencial. Houve, é claro, o incidente com Morpho e Vox no Machine Dynamics Facility, mas Rosa enfatizou que não tinha vínculos com lá. Para algumas pessoas, a Arena representa o progresso e o risco associados à inovação. Para outros, é uma bomba-relógio. Só o tempo dirá.

Dec 6, 2024, 17:1012/06/24

A crap map, cant even use helix

So the map requiring you to innovate makes it bad?