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Deathwalker Mech SpotlightDeathwalker Mech Spotlight

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Deathwalker Mech Spotlight

💥 Meet Deathwalker - a Legendary Tank with the powerful Reanimate Ability. 

What kind of Mech is lurking beneath such a name? Watch our latest Spotlight video and discover how Deathwalker can lead your team to victory!

Sep 26, 2024, 14:2909/26/24
Sep 28, 2024, 23:1009/28/24

Ok so first of all great new mech and map and weapons but I also have a complaint. I have also said this on another spotlight but I'm getting matched up with bots with revokers and legendary pilots and implants. I get absolutely annihilated by them and with their mods its impossible to fight back. in onl around 4k hangar power so i just think it's a little unfair.

Sep 30, 2024, 06:5709/30/24

Kinda like the old name "Phoenix"

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Sep 30, 2024, 13:4209/30/24
Sup bro

Ok so first of all great new mech and map and weapons but I also have a complaint. I have also said this on another spotlight but I'm getting matched up with bots with revokers and legendary pilots and implants. I get absolutely annihilated by them and with their mods its impossible to fight back. in onl around 4k hangar power so i just think it's a little unfair.

Hello! We are glad that you enjoy the new Content 🙂

Our team is constantly working on improvements to the matchmaking system. Surely, sometimes, it can perform somewhat incorrectly due to the flexible balance we have and abusers who are trying to trick it. Nonetheless, we are developing ways to prevent such conditions!

For now, we'd recommend shuffling your Hangar a bit and teaming up with your friends who have approximately the same SP compared to yours. Try to make Matchmaking work for you! 

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Sep 30, 2024, 13:4209/30/24

Kinda like the old name "Phoenix"

It was just its nickname 🐦‍🔥