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Money grabMoney grab

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Money grab

Dec 19, 2024, 15:3212/19/24

Money grab

Why is it that every update gets us farther down the " have to pay 2 win " aisle you can only buy legendary im plants you can't purchase basic implants to upgrade with earned credits anymore, 8nstead you have to spend money to progress YET AGAIN the money grab level you guys have created is both saddening to an everyday player as well as pathetic as a whole! What ever happened to giving consumers what they are happy with and what they wanted versus what you can shove down our throats and demand is to do for your own fain.........TRULY PATHETIC WHAT THIS GAME HAS BECAUSE OF GREED ! "We have modifiers" MODIFIERS THAT ONLY HELP PLAYERS THAT PAY FOR MECHS AND WEAPONS .....both8ng that helps the small guys that got this game here. What's next cutting in game credits to nothing sonics a strictly pay to win and play game ......shouldn't expect anything less from a company owned by a gambling conglomerate........sadly sadly pathetic on the creator and devs part.........NOT EVEN GIFTS TO OFFSET THE BLANTANT DEISRESPECT ........1 OUT OF 10 STARS !!!


This is how the game is the most broken! A player with 30k dominating the lobby cause he's 3 times stringer than everyone else HOW TF IS THIS FAIR TO PLAYERS?! HOW TF IS THIS FAIR ,BIT YET YALL LET IT CONTINUE ?! 😤 know why? Because you reward the players that pay the most over the ones that don't ,you allow players to sandbag and pad their hangars and force one sided fighting to drive the purchase of your senseless greed! You guys are pathetic morally!
