Needed achievements and arc rpg tweak
The voltaic rpg is an rpg, but the achievements dont know that.
Usually a new weapon might have a new mech or not be integrated into old mechs, but this is a different situation.
the reason is that it isn't verry powerfull and the regular rpg is so un-powerfull that its an issue in late game. If you wait too long to do some acheivemnts, you not only have to loose a game, but you sacrifice a mech and make one that sucks. You can't complete killshot or the other mech's rpg abilities without sacrificing fun. I think having a late game acheivement ability for the weapon is a good idea. I mean, the level 8 rpg is a minor upgrade at a cost where the level you can pay that cost is kind of late game ish, meaning its pretty bad. To be able to put the trash on other mechs, I might use it finish the acheivements. Atleast, no upgrades on voltaic 8 is not much better than rpg 6 and worse than missile racks.
basically, it would be balanced for this particular weapon to count as rpg in the acheivemnt section under mechs and balance some things itself.