SURGE - The dusty shelf queen.
I can't remember when was the last time I saw another player bust out the Surge. I can't remember the last time I took mine out for a few rounds of mayhem. Why does nobody use it? Look at the stats on comparible mechs:
Health Speed km/h
Surge 57k 20
Lancer 71k?? 25
Killshot 71k 29
Shadow 57k 29
MD 71k?? 22
Cheetah 78k 22
Zephyr 71k 18
The Surge, along with the Shadow, have the lowest health off all bots. Both have 57,000 health maxed out. That's fine. It's a scout mech right? Then, why is it have a speed of 20 km/h while the other scout are pulling 29 km/h? Even the average support bot is faster, except for the stun whoring bot.
The point is that the Surge, in it current state, is NOT a scout. It stuns just like the Zephyr which is a support mech and just slightly faster. It should be moved to the Support section and it's health bumped to 71k. The alternative would be to keep it as a Scout and raise it's speed to 29.