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Want them to improve the game? STOP SPENDING.

Want them to improve the game? STOP SPENDING.

Mar 1, 2022, 05:0503/01/22

Want them to improve the game? STOP SPENDING.

No, this isn't a topic intended to bash pay to win players, nor is it intended to rehash the obvious issues with the game which can all be summed up to greedy and manipulative business practices that aren't going to change as long as Plarium profits. This forum alone is filled with frustrated and angry players (both free to play and spenders) discussing those issues - which have been present since open beta went live and were reported to deaf ears, only able to hear the cha-ching of an exploitable market: gamers. Unfortunately, they can ignore our concerns because for all intent and purpose, free players have been replaced. Pay to win spenders don't care if they are overpowering free players or ai - as long as they win. It's not "pay to lose" after all.
Plarium knows the equation: p2w won't stay to lose, but being p2w doesn't make you "good" (I think we can all agree). But, if you go up against weak enough players with very badly scripted ai, you're not likely to lose. Congrats. When you consider it this way, you'll see Plarium (and games with this setup) are actually making fun of you: "spend all you want, we'll cheat to make sure you feel like a winner, and so, you'll just keep spending, haha".
The bad thing for Plarium, though? As a collective, we are starting to see the joke, and frankly, don't find it funny. But Plarium bets the players they make the most off won't speak up, because it'll be admitting your reason to spend so much in a free game is to be able to bully weaker players, that at this point, don't even have access to a lot of new gear that can only be achieved through spending. If as a gaming collective, we ever want them to hear us, we need to take it to the next step.

STOP SPENDING. Not on new, overpowered gear you "just have to have" to compete. Not on cheap flash deals. Not because you have a few extra bucks in your pocket. Not at all.

If you really believe the potential this game presents, then you might even put away the gear that so grossly overpowers the common opponent: impose your own balance. Be the change you wish to see.
Now, of course, this is just a post on the forum, not going to be seen by most the actual players in the game. If you see it and agree, though, you can pass the idea on. In a clan that spends a lot? Have them take up the challenge. The greater the number of players that refuse to support the issues in this game, the more likely we are to see the change gamers' desire, and quick.
"I'm so proud of all the money I spent to beat a free player," said no gamer ever. Are you proud of your wins with that 6k+ hangar fighting against a bunch of 1.6k enemy? Perhaps that is what you want: a vanity app for people who wish they were good at gaming and willing to spend A LOT to beat weaker players? Because let's face it, Mech Arena can hardly be considered a game in its current setup of deciding the winner of matches by how much has been spent.

YOU, my gamer family - f2p and p2w alike, deserve better.

Mar 2, 2022, 09:4803/02/22

Exactly! All these spening won't be useful for the players in the long run. better spend time on improving your skills.

Mar 11, 2022, 00:5803/11/22

I don't think this will work.  What will work is sending the programmers some really good weed because the crack they are smoking is fuxoring their decision making process all to hell.  It's a good plan but I only pay for my own weed LMFAO.  

In all seriousness, I doubt we play a game developed by crackheads.  It's the only thing I could think of that would explain some of the asinine game mechanics that have been around since the beginning of beta.

Mar 14, 2022, 01:3203/14/22
Mar 14, 2022, 01:33(edited)

I don't think this will work.  What will work is sending the programmers some really good weed because the crack they are smoking is fuxoring their decision making process all to hell.  It's a good plan but I only pay for my own weed LMFAO.  

In all seriousness, I doubt we play a game developed by crackheads.  It's the only thing I could think of that would explain some of the asinine game mechanics that have been around since the beginning of beta.

Pehaps the biggest reason those game mechanics are still around is because they are so profitable. Mech Arena is a prime example of how quickly a potentially good game can be ruined by greedy and unethical business practices, but if customers didn't invest in this setup, it would change - even if the change is just the game closing down due to lack of profits (despite no lack of interest). 

I wouldn't pay to eat at a dirty, roach infested resturant that served bad food, not even if it was on special. Haha. I think that is where we need to get to as a gaming community; and really, what we should collectively want is relatively simple, I think.

1. Fair and balanced gameplay

2. Stable and secure servers

If Plarium could offer this, I would more likely decide to spend in the game, if only to support further developement. However, I don't want to spend to build an awesome hangar just to fight players and ai severely weaker than me, this form of p2w gaming certainly is lucritive to them, but it also seems to get boring quick - for both f2p and p2w alike.