Report Cheater
First, allow me to say thank you to the p2w, whales or whatever else people call you. Without you I wouldn't play this game.
Second, I've seen so many suggestions and gripes with no resolution, and I know I have a tendency to b!tch as a venting mechanism, so I am making an effort no to do that here.
Now the reason I've come:
The Report Cheater button is an insult and a dark joke. Plarium found a solution that requires no effort on their part, to help the common player feel better when they feel cheated. "That'll show 'em!!" It does... nothing.
Plarium is the biggest cheater in the arena, on the field, or however you describe it. Why would anyone say such a thing? (fake gasps) Here is what I see when I'm fighting on the field against Red:
Red doesn't appear on radar until Blue attains center point, suddenly I'm shot from multiple direction by mechs that have no cloaking capability. Red disappears from radar quite often I've noticed, and while I've been told "that is clearly a glitch or lag" I have seen Red disappear from radar WHILE I'M LOOKING AT IT. This prevents targeting, obviously. I find it oddly uneven as Blue NEVER seems to have this ability.
Red has numerous tricks it uses to win, and from reading the forums, my experience of being the sole target on the feild doesn't need to be expanded on. I've been told I shouldn't take it personally, but it feels real personal when I step from cover and 5 Red Mechs start shooting at me while ignoring other Blue.
I understand there "was" a test on AI aggression, according to the forum posts this test ended in November. Is there any plan to end the program of Red being murderbots while Blue AI chases butterflies and shoots walls? I'm asking because I'm not seeing any change in their behavior in the past months since the test ended. However, I distinctly remember discovering about the "test" when I attained a Tier score or 12,000 or so, and suddenly started losing a whole lot more matches than I was winning. The test tanked my WLR and knocked me back down to Tier 10,000. I have struggled and scratched and fought to attain that score only to discover it has BEEN CAPPED AT 10999!!!
Understand, I'm all for AI players, match-making, evening the odds, "making things more fair", but... I'm not having much of a good time playing this game any more. Every time I win a match, I'm punished, and know I will lose the next two. Hell blesses me with 2 wins in a row, because that means I will have, at this date, up to 7 losses in a row. Why? For all the reasons others have complained about the AI. Red murderbot, Blue bulletcatchers. Blue running defense for Red, blocking shots, ignoring control points, shooting walls, pushing me out of cover... No, Plarium, I don't feel better when I win a match because Red suddenly thinks they are playing loadrunner, watching Blue march across the field letting me have "assists", where the only successful shots Red gets off are killing me.
Unlike too many of the players of this game, I understand that there are no human opponents on the field I see on my mobile screen. I know what latency is, latency between signal send/recieve, latency in human reaction time, latency between multiple devices transfering data. Yes its measured in microseconds and picoseconds, but it is measureable. And that means when I fire javelins that lock on to a target, on my screen it is dead before a human on another screen can dodge it. Yet, RED seems to have that ability.
I've carried on long enough, I didn't set out to write an article. The bottom line is: I love this game concept and graphics. I love running mechs, grinding for upgrades... but for what you have done to this once enjoyable game I hope you all rot in overheating cpu lag hell until your power supplies burn out. May your service provider raise your rates, and drop your service speed. May all you graphics card updates conflict with your OS.