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Dec 29, 2021, 10:4212/29/21

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Plarium will release some awesome content, that are very F2P friendly and will allow players to use player skills instead of P2W !


1 : Mobile Turrets : A mobile pet will follow your mech and defend your mech.

With an awesome event, you can have of 1 "common" quality summon try per month (quality white-blue, DPS 200)  but for 24,9€ / summon you can have (blue - purple-orange quality, DPS 50 000

"we beleive that we did a pretty good job for limiting P2W elements on such new feature !"

2: Implants of Pets : A spec sub skills could be added to have various skills

Add even more DPS on your pets thanks to good modded skills, F2P quality white/blue +10%. But for a short-cost of 104€ you can add +100% on each pet.. 

"we want player to use their skill instead of their wallet" Are you worry ? Worry not ! "for such important feature we DID internal TEST and we noticed that This IS what players WANTED !" 

3 : Railgun Quantum 32 Energy / H-Bomb Mortar 32 energy / Carbine SubLaser 32 Energy / Black Hole Homing Missile 32 energy

In order to add more fun for all players, dev will unlock Super Legendary quality weapon release ! SO COOL !

 Sadly, for technical reason, you can't have these item on free event. But worry not, in 1 year they should success to unlock this weapon for every one, well, for free, I mean for free to try, but it will cost 4k A-coins to unlock it !

4 : Because you need MUCH MUCH MUCH more a-coins than before, and in order to give F2P players more chance, they will give EVERY player 20 A-coins / month for free

They have listened to us ! Thanks Plarium, we just wanted  clan, and some e-sport, less bots, more playersbase but now I have understand my mistake :

Why should I want to play with friends, when i can play alone with bot any time?! And to pay to be even more strong ?

thanks : )

Of course this is a joke nothing official, right ! Did you get afraid ? : D

Dec 29, 2021, 14:3112/29/21

Man, I wish...  those  are  some  cool  ideas. Hey,  Plarium  people,  if  you  are  watching,  these  are  some  cool  ideas  that  shound  be  added  in  future  updates!

Dec 30, 2021, 22:0412/30/21
Dec 31, 2021, 00:09(edited)

thanks to their strategy, i can now play only with bots ! 


(on this game, we were only 2 players  + 8 bots)

Dec 31, 2021, 15:2012/31/21

Aww,  how  did  you  get  stalker?  I  havent  been  able  to  get  any  event  tokens.  I  would  like  to  know  how  you  got  it!

Dec 31, 2021, 16:2212/31/21

be lucky or buy lol, i just bough some keys

Jan 2, 2022, 10:1501/02/22

Lol some cool ideas but the 20 a coins a month was funny... they should give us an a coin generator like the gem mine in base in raid shadow legends