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Trying to be absolutely fair here

Trying to be absolutely fair here

Dec 26, 2021, 07:1812/26/21

Trying to be absolutely fair here

0For us players that have been here for a while now like 8 months to a year or better I feel that we all deserve a random assortment of implants and pilot currencies.

I'm saying this because the current addition of pilots as reduced the players effect progress seeing as how the AI has access to pilots we don't have like the one I keep seeing archangel for example and fair to high powered implants..

On top of the AI there is also pay to win players who will most definitely spend a nice amount of change to attain a similar if not higher pilot ranking and effectiveness.

So if this where to be implemented wich I'm sure would help to improve some of the balancing issues what I would think to be reasonable is the following 

Allow players who have been around for say 8months to a year to select 1 implant of there choosing just one and only one because let's be honest it's going to be something legendary and that's fair as long as it only one.

Then give players say 1500 scarps and 2000 pilot marks.. so what ever pilot can at least be raised to rank 3.

Obviously the players will need a small amounts of Acoins so give them like 500 to skip the having to attain exp for the pilot.

Finally give those players say 15 - 20 randomly selected implants.

So pay2win and the AI isn't working against the player base and company to make a less enjoyable gaming experience.

No bias in f2p or p2w or even players like myself who do spend a little from time to time

Dec 26, 2021, 07:2812/26/21

NOTE:  Iam not trying to beg for resources or anything of that nature but what I will say as a player who has and still does enjoy this game frome what I see here and on the discord chat this will definitely give the community a boost in moral.

I think in general the game is doing well and runs well but with the new additions and having to pay for some of the newer resources it has strained  the long standing player base and made the arena a bit uncomfortable for players who have invested there time effort and maybe even their money.

This is almost like a punishment. We start the game and partake as it grows but the players who come later can flat out purchase everything that at on time us senior players didn't immediately have access to.

So I'm just suggesting to have the interdiction of new mechs weapons and everything that comes with the pilots smoothed over some for us players 

Now I would like to finish by saying that I do enjoy as well as appreciate the effort and work being put into the game and like ive said before im planing on staying but just show a bit more concern for how fair all this new implementation is and will be.

Hopefully this reaches the right ears.

Dec 26, 2021, 08:0112/26/21

Also effects players playing less the  8-12 months.. been playing a few months have a SP around 2030 I grind dailys tournaments etc for my a coins and weapons and yet still getting wrecked by p2w and bots with overpowered implants like the jugs with dual arcs and 60m range.. implants either need nerfs or balancing or if this suggestion is taken it should be for everyone (even p2w as they already have all the implants they want anyway) 

Dec 26, 2021, 08:0512/26/21

Lol the matchmaking is already a mess and now new problems occurred because of immature running of games 🤣










So my squad power is like 1800 - 1900 while the whole opponent team is 2000 and above (not to mention the 1000 guy in my team) yet you were so excited for the pilot