Pilots, Plarium's Biggest Mistake?
Pilots are one of the newest features to Mech Arena. Although strongly opposed by the community, Plarium still implemented them into Mech Arena. Now you may be curious as to why they would do this, and risk the same fate as War Robots. The answer is that they are a buisness. It's no suprise that Plarium is trying to make money off of mech arena, constant popups for "deals" and such. But this new update is crazy! Pilots can give mechs insane boosts when upgraded, and although very expensive to do so, many pay-to-win players don't care. So not only is Plarium making a ton a money off of this addition, but the free-to-play players have unbelievable disavantages, making it nearly unplayable without buying things! In addition to this, the amount of complexity in the whole pilots system is ridiculous. Innate skills, implant skills, all of this is unessecarily complicated. So, my conclusion is that Mech Arena no longer cares what the community thinks, and is more focused on profiting from the game. 😔 I love this game, and I hope that plarium will see the issues this is creating in game and in the community, and stop trying to make even more money off of it.