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An uneventful specialized event

An uneventful specialized event

Oct 5, 2021, 19:3510/05/21

An uneventful specialized event

For this event, I decided to take the "advice" of some community manager and attempt to complete the mission. I had these 2 last tasks to do, which plarium says that you can complete one or the other and win the prize. Easy they say (kek); payments are optional they say (yet there is the task that kind of refutes that notion). 


So I started to grind for credits, since this isn't a cheap weapon, but I also needed blueprints to upgrade the level. Do you know how many missile rack 8 blueprints I obtained from every crate for the 3 days this event lasted?


(There is the part where you don't get enough credits and A-coins from crates, and once you finish your other events and your combat points, you don't get anymore). 


The entire time this specialized event was up, I got zero blueprints. I upgraded the level of the weapon twice with blueprints I got before the event started, and then I had 6 blueprints for 2 days straight. Do the chances of obtaining exotic blueprints go up when an amateur or prodigy crate is opened? I don't know, but I certainly did not obtain a single missile rack 8 blueprint; I got some for 6s, but not for 8s. Hilariously, after the event was over, I got 2 missile rack 8 blueprints from gold crates, but they are useless. I won't even go into the amount of A-coins you will need to upgrade the rank for an exotic weapon because it is probably insane.


In reality, these types of events don't benefit anyone, whether you have the weapon or you don't. Then plarium has the audacity to put this weapon deal just as the event is occurring. What a great sham, and then in these forums, we get the asinine responses from mods and managers saying that it isn't for everyone and yada yada. I really wonder if plarium rigs the chances of obtaining the blueprints needed to upgrade a weapon or mech when a specialized event is on. The tasks in first image are as botched as they come; one involves a purchase for a task that is always placed when there is an event with the prize of 300 A-coins; the other involves an impossible task that makes one think is it even worth it. 

And no, 80 A-coins for one dollar or its equivalent in whatever currency isn't worth. Give me the 500 A-coins for like 2 dollars and maybe I cut some slack on those people who say it is life or just go for the one dollar purchase. Plarium puts that stupid task in every event where the reward is 300 A-coins.
