Carbine 8 or Carbine 10? Need help deciding
Hey guys I'm really confused with this choice my current xp is 72k and already have patiently collected enough a coins for carbine 8s. Still not sure about it coz many players in game have told that later on carbine 8s dont do enough damage / pc8s are better. So now I'm thinking of buying carbine 10 and making a second copy of that (if i get the cards needed which might take a long time)
My hangar Killshot(16) - mr8s/pc8s/javs/rm12&jav4 Guardian, Panther (16) - stasis beam 16/pc8s/mr8s/longarm8s Ares (12) - javs/rm12/mr6... almost 16 was going to put carbine 8s on it Juggernaut (12) - mr6/rpg6
I would really appreciate some helpful tips and advice for both carbines 8/10 and which is best for my hangar. I have also not ranked up guardian, panther and juggernaut in order to save up for carbines.. All are ready to be ranked up.