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Friendly fire options needed

Friendly fire options needed

Nov 23, 2020, 06:0811/23/20

Friendly fire options needed

Players blocking shots and shoveling one another should be easily corrected by simply enabling friendly fire, players get shot or potentially killed by a team member they will learn to be more considerate of other players space 

DeletedCommunity Manager
Nov 27, 2020, 15:0111/27/20

Hello, Pilot! We won't release an option to kill your allies, but we will improve this part of the game. 

Dec 25, 2020, 02:0212/25/20

I have thought about friendly fire alot before while playing War Robots. While I like the relistic feel, I think this would be bad because of the friendlies who would kill you on purpose. 

Dec 31, 2020, 04:4612/31/20

You will cause alot of problems with this feature and the retaliation between your own teammates will never stop also you cant fix this issue with allowing simple to shot through you allies as if they arnt there everyone will stack up behind each other and battles would be who has 1 properly placed shielded mech 

Jan 8, 2021, 13:0501/08/21

Then something need to be done, its very frustrating and negatively impacting the game when weaker team members get killed off because they are stand in the way unable to kill the enemy, while stopping me or who ever is strong enough to kill the the enemy from actually doing so...

So here is my newest suggestion, the mech with the highest total power score should be able to move a lesser powered mech, rather then me getting shoved into a corner or somehow being placed up on top of a friendly mech cause the pilot clearly is a poor operator.

Like senority. Determines who shoves who... id rather be shoved by a few then feeling like any one can just shove me out the way.