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Deathwalker in death matches?

Deathwalker in death matches?

Nov 9, 2024, 06:3911/09/24

Deathwalker in death matches?

To start with, I think this mech idea was kinda bulls**t, but so many robots are op bulls**t  now. I can deal with it. When the goal is to get kill counts, I think the deathwalker needs to count as a kill, even if it regenerats. A team of deathwalkers can be killed may times and you end up with zero kills.

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Nov 9, 2024, 15:5411/09/24

I've played other games where such regenerating units don't count as kills unless their regeneration has been used up (or is in cooldown). So it's a common mechanic.

For what it's worth, I personally agree that it's a ridiculous idea for a game whose premise is that these are robots, not necromancers / magicians / sorcerors / shamans. There were already some questionable skills in some mechs, but a mech that revives itself from destruction (and that too in a different location) takes the cake. But now that it's there, the idea that it doesn't count as a kill while the ability is on is something that can be argued for just as strongly as it can be argued against.

CrystalDrewCommunity Manager
Nov 12, 2024, 12:1911/12/24

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